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y/n's pov

we were all in separate places in the room behind the curtain. i was on a couch, reading and liking comments under my instagram photo and i felt somebody sit next to me.

"what's going on?" jay asks

"nothing. just liking comments." i was nervous because this is my first event. i don't know who i'm going to see, what if it's somebody i know since i have such a large fan base?

"you sound anxious. i can promise you these are really fun!" jay rubs my shoulder, calming me down while giving me a relaxing smile. it definitely lowered my anxiety levels.

"finish doing whatever you're doing. we need to be out there in a minute." jaren announces.

even though it was just a 2 hour long fan sign, i felt like i wouldn't know what to say to the fans.

i put my mask on and joined everybody outside the curtains, when a huge roar hits my ears as we get out.

we all sit down at different spots. i was towards the end between jay and cameron. jay and i have been in mad love these past few weeks, but it hurt me to hide it right here, right now. but seeing the happiness on his face once he sees the fans makes it worth it.

we introduce ourselves and begin the fan sign. since each fan gets a bit of time with each person, jay and i passed the time waiting for fans by taking pictures and videos of each other. i took a nice picture of jay and i with everybody in the background and set it as my lock screen.

finally, a fan has got to me. jay saw that i was busy and he turned and talked to john and matt.

"oh my gosh your mask is so cool!" the young boy smiled wide at me. i thank him. we have basic chat. he asks for advice on fortnite, i give him some. i signed a few items for him and we took a selfie together.

after that, all the conversations were pretty much the same. of course, i had many people ask why i hadn't done a face reveal yet. i would respond with "well, i like being treated like a real person outside of my youtube life."

then i came across somebody i immediately recognize. my one best friend from high school. i had never

"pursula oh my gosh i love your content so much! could you sign this please?" she handed over a white limited edition gucci phone case. i recognizes it immediately. and my dumbass thought i lost it...

"this looks expensive. how'd you get it?" i question, signing the phone case with my full name, right over the gucci logo. i made sure to do it in cursive because she never could read cursive.

"oh, an old friend gave it to me as a birthday present." she responds with a smile across her face.

"she must've been rich haha, i wish i could get a present like that!" i joke, trying to stay calm when what i really wanted was my stolen item back. i was never even rich in the first place.

"yeah," she agrees, "it was the only thing she was good for though." i stay calm.

"tell me about this friend, we have some extra time." i say with a scowl.

"oh, everybody hated her. she was known as the gross person of the school. i didn't really feel bad, but she had money so i took the chance and befriended her. you're humor and voice reminds me a lot of her, but you're so much better. i think she even dropped out to become a druggie... haha but seriously, she was so fucking annoying." she says so calmly that it annoys me. i was visibly getting mad.

"listen, what you did was wrong," i speak, trying to remain calm. "you need to apologize to that girl because that's really fucking low of you."

"no need to be so rud-"

i cut her off, "i want you to unsubscribe from my channel. from all of our channels," i gesture to everybody at the table. "because we sure as hell don't want people like you to be associated with us."

i can feel jay's eyes burning into me, saying what are you doing?!

i give him a look, telling him that i'll explain later.

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