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My private messages don't work. It won't let me verify my email because somebody already used it ;-;
You can still text me stuff, I can see them. I just can't respond. Feel free to request one shots in my DM's :)

It's been a week since that day. Since then, we've done a lot, and I mean a LOT, of "stuff", we've moved really far in our relationship, and we've loved every moment.

We only have 1 week left here. It has all gone by so fast...

I literally want to get married to this man. It's only been a couple months of dating, so I shouldn't get too excited.

It was 2am. Jay and I were just sitting on the cushioned bench together, holding each other.

"Y/N?" He stops me from falling asleep.

"Hm?" I mumble back.

"How long do you think we'll last?" He questioned.

Is he doubting our relationship? "Forever, hopefully. Why do you ask?"

"Have you ever thought about starting a family?" He continues rubbing my arms.

"Don't know how I feel pushing a large object out of my vagina. That'd hurt. But if it happens somehow, then I guess it was just meant to happen." I sweat at the thought of the pregnancy test I had in the bathroom. I haven't used it yet, I'd only bought it just in case.

After a few minutes of silence, he falls asleep, silently snoring. I get up.

Is he saying that because he may of forgot to pull out recently? We haven't been careful. We haven't been using condoms often and I don't take birth control...

I go up to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me.

I follow the instructions on the back of the box.

Once I'm finished, I have to wait a minute.

I'm sweating entire Olympic pools the entire time. In a way, I sort of hope I'm not pregnant...

I see a line slowly fade in.

I read the box again.
1 line- not pregnant
2 lines- pregnant

A full line appears on the screen. I sigh in relief. I almost cry in joy, until I see another line fade in.

I give it a moment, incase it's just a mistake.

A full line comes in.

Oh my fucking god...

I'm pregnant.

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