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That bank heist was hell but the paperwork was so much worse. I sat there at my desk just staring at it like it was somehow going to grow legs and walk to someone else's desk. It didn't, and still just sitting here.

My thought kept going back to what happened this morning. Patton and Virgil... That Patton knew what was going to happen. He got himself hurt for a reason. Whoever it was that stopped those men... Patton knew that getting hurt would provoke them into doing something. But how where they able to do it. There were 6 men, all with guns. 

"Roman, we have a problem." I glanced up from my desk to find Logan there. He grabbed the paperwork off my desk and rolled his eyes. "I do these since you never do."

"What's the problem, Logan?" 

"Our informant just got hit." I bolted up nearly knocking everything over onto the floor. "He's currently at St. Annes hospital."

"Deceit got hit?!"

"Yes, Roman, and he was your responsibility. So you have to take care of this." He glanced over my desk again and shook his head, leaving me to my thoughts again. First the heist and now this. Deceits pretty high up there in the chain. If we're not careful this could end very badly. The last thing we need right now is a damn gang war.

The hospital was crowded, like usual. The smell of alcohol and medicine permeated the air, making me very dizzy. I walked over to the receptionist and tapped on the counter. the smell was giving me a massive headache.

"Can I help you?" She glanced up from the computer and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Deceit..."

"Oh no, I am not going through this again. Mr. Evans is in room 140." She waved me off and I just stood there confused. Again? Who else is here? Last I checked the only family he's got is his mother. Please tell me I'm not too late.

It took me a while to find the room. I actually got lost a lot. Don't judge me. Hospitals and I don't mix well. I got to his room and I could hear the muffled voices of someone yelling. I glanced through the window and my eyes went wide. Virgil Mathews... I watched as he threw his arms in the air in anger and then stood back covering his mouth as if he said something he was not proud of. I just shook my head and walked in.

"Are you ok?"

"Shouldn't we be asking you that?" The two of them both looked at me with this fear. Virgil looked like a deer in headlights. He went back to covering mouth again and went and put himself in the corner. "Hello again, Virgil."

"Detective Sanders..." Deceit said loudly, obviously trying to draw my attention away from his friend here. "I see you got the news."

"That my favorite CI is currently IN THE HOSPITAL?! Yes, I believe I did get the news." Deceit just awkwardly smiled glancing at Virgil, who stood there confused. "What happened?"

"He went looking for Intel and got himself caught." Virgil said as he finally left the corner. "I guess that means he can't be your informant anymore?"

"Virgil, stop..." 

"Stop?! What do you think's going to happen when Patton finds out what happened to you? What do think I would have done if it had been any worse than this?" Virgil snapped and I stepped away from them. I feel like I walked in on something and I don't like the awkward uncomfortable air. "Next time you feel like being a hero... Think. "

"Says the guy that beat up six me... oops." I stared wide-eyed and completely lost at what Deceit just said. "I mean..."

"You can't take that back. You were the one that stopped the heist?!" Virgil looked away and I was at a loss for words.

"Obviously not, Roman. He's way too scrawny. I was talking about a.... video game. This guy is a strategic wiz. He can think himself out of any problem"

"Something, You obviously cannot do." Virgil grabbed his stuff and headed out without even so much as a goodbye.

"Wait, here Deceit."

"Sure...? It's not like I can go anywhere anyway." I heard Deceit call out as I left. I managed to catch up to Virgil a ways down the hall.

"Hold on a minute, Virgil. Wait, where are you going? I have to talk to you..." I grabbed ahold of his arm without even thinking. He twisted out of it and shoved me into the wall just before several people flooded the hallway. Needless to say, I lost him.

"Shit." I made my way back to the room and stopped short. The door was wide open, and I know I closed it. I walked in to find it a complete mess. The covers were torn off the bed and the curtains were ripped. The trash and food spilled across the floor like someone was kicking about. "SHIT!"

I stood there ragged and exhausted, staring at the door and knocking like a damn jackhammer. It took me forever to find his address. I didn't know who else to go to. Deceit said he could think his way out of any problem maybe he can think me out of mine. We need to get him back. Who knows what's going on? Who even knows who took him?

"FUCKING CHRIST STOP YOUR KNOCKING, do you even realize what time it is?" I could hear Virgil yelling through the door. When he finally opened it he just stood there confused. "Roman?" 

"I need your help. Deceit's been taken."

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