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I stood there watching him while he ordered. I don't understand it. If Virgil is a Vanhelsing, why are they hunting him? How is he even a vampire? It just doesn't add up. I watched as Virgil grabbed his cup off the counter and made his way over to the table that I had taken. 

"So, Romano... How far are we to finding Deceit?" I gave him this confused look as he sipped his coffee. "Patton said you had stayed over in order to do some more work on finding him. Any breakthroughs."

"No, not yet... though I did pull some strings, apparently there is this new group in town..."

"Yes, I know." His face went dark and I sighed. " I wanted to know more about who may have taken him."

"I am aware of that Virgil. We need to keep all option open. According to several undercover agents, no one has seen Deceit. No ones even heard his name. Now that doesn't mean he isn't still there but I think its more likely that this new group..."

"Just stop talking!" Great, now what am I supposed to do? It's going to very hard to get through the day if Virgil is always telling me what to do. He never states anything as a question. I mean come one. I understand that Patton said not to tell him about what happened, but we need to figure out something. Because if not, I end up unable to talk... Oh look that's exactly what happened.

You know how it feels when a gust of cool air envelopes you? Or how it feels when you get shocked a little. Well, it's like that... but more a sudden surge of energy. A sudden intense surge that takes my breath away. A surge of energy turned into a desire to listen. 

I got up and headed for the car, waiting for Virgil to come when he was ready. He just stared at me through the window of the building. I didn't get in the car, instead, I leaned against it. I closed my eyes and let the cool air relax me as much as I could. My phone went off and I sighed. It was Logan asking where I was. I'm getting Virgil a coffee because he told me to... I don't think Logan would accept that.

I started texting him back when I got this off feeling. It was hard to explain. I started looking around but the sound of the door slamming shut, startled me from my thoughts. I turned to find Virgil sitting there, his earbuds in his ears. Guess he's done then. I shook off the bad feeling and got in the car.

As we were driving back, Virgil nudged my arm. I glanced over at to see him looking at me a little concerned.

"Are you ok?" I'm fine... just can't talk. Doesn't matter anyway, I was driving so I had to pay attention to the rood. "Are you mad? Look I'm sorry, ok? I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have yelled this morning either. There's just all I'm going through and some of it I just can't share. Some of it I just can't talk about. Ok, so are we good?" I nodded but he just shook his head. "Roman, I am apologizing here and you can't even say one world to me. JUST SAY SOMETHING, ANYTHING!"

"What do you want me to say, Virgil?!" He threw his arms in the air and yelled.

"I don't know. Just talk to me!" I scoffed at the irony. First, he tells me not to talk now he's telling to talk. There really isn't much to say. "How about explaining to me why you're being so stubborn."

"I'm bringing stubborn?! Virgil, I am simply doing what I'm told..." I pulled into the station and quickly got out.

"Roman, we aren't done here." I just kept walking. I had this massive headache and I really didn't want to deal with him right now. "Roman!" I waved him off as I heard the door slam, but no footsteps. "Roman, do not walk away from me."

"SHIT!" I spun around and looked right at Virgil. His eyes went wide as he saw just how mad I was. "Virgil, I really need some time here, ok? Can you do that? Can you let me have some fucking space?" I could see the pain in his eyes and my anger just about melted in that very moment. But the fact remains. I still needed some time to just relax, without getting yelled at.

"Of course Roman, do whatever the fuck you want." I rolled my eyes and walked away. 

"See you later, Virgil."

"Go on... It's not like you need my permission for anything anyway, so why start now." I went inside and just took a deep breath. The sound of Virgil's voice melted into the crowd, and even that disappeared into silence as I escaped into my break room. I really should fix that wall. Although Virgil just might break it again, the next time something happens.

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