24. Virgil

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It's been some time since the day I told him to go. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurting. I'd even find myself going for the phone. Or I'd take the wrong turn and end up at the station. I always knew where he was. I could always tell how he was feeling. I guess I never really paid attention to it until I found out.  I glanced over at the gas station to see Patton skimming the isles. 

Patton told me I had lost control, that I was starving. That Roman did it to save me because he realized I couldn't wait. He then chose to deal with the consequences of that choice even though an out was presented. I miss him...but I can't have him. If he's away from me long enough then the bond will fade and he'll be safe. That's all that matters. That's all that...

"Why hello there, Virgil." I looked up to find the woman from the station standing in front of me. "I see you're still in town."

"You must be Anna." She smiled brightly and widely, showing her many pointed teeth. I just rolled my eyes. In terms of strength, sirens are bottom barrel. They're bottom feeders. Literally...

"How are you feeling? I heard of your breakup."

"We were never dating." She just started clicking her tongue at me.

"He's your thrall, Virgil. That's a level beyond marriage." I rolled my eyes and headed for the store. Patton was getting something inside. She grabbed my arm and I could feel her skin turn icy, like the deep ocean. "Where you running off to."

"Nowhere." I spun around as fast as I could sucker punching her in the chest. She went flying backward into one of the pole things with gas in it. "You seem to know a lot about us Anna. So I wonder why you didn't know..." I grabbed her by the neck picking her up and slamming her back into the ground, causing it to split underneath her. "I don't like being touched."

"Turn around." Her smile was vile and wicked. I turned around faster than anything only to see Patton being held a syringe to his neck, and a knife over his stomach. I heard as Anna got up of the ground and brush herself off, only to dig her heel into my back and force me onto the ground. Her foot just above my spine ready to impale it with her heel. "I did tell you to leave."

"Bite me." I heard her laugh and I had to cover my ears as the sound of her voice threatened to make my head explode. 

"I told you that I would do whatever it took to save my ass. So when Roman came back to work, I did some digging." She removed her heel from my back only to kick me directly in the face. "Did you know that the Helsings stopped hunting monsters." 


"Yeah, they don't hunt us anymore..." Her smile dropped and she pulled out a knife. "Or at least they won't when your all dead." She nodded at the person holding Patton and stuck the knife right into my back. It burned so much worse than any normal knife, but that's because it wasn't normal. God damn spirit blades. I couldn't move. I could do anything. All I could do was watch as the man injected Patton with whatever was in the syringe and placed him on the ground, unable to move. 

Anna picked me up, blade and all, and carried me over to a car, just as the man took the gas pumps and started dousing the whole area. The last I saw, as the car drove off, was the man throwing a match and the place going up in flames. With Patton still in the crossfire.

"Patton..."Anna looked back at me and smiled at the tears that fell.

"Hey, You know since this is technically an arrest I'll give you your one call huh? What do you say? I'm not totally evil." She started laughing again and will being unable to move, I couldn't block the sound. The sound ripped through me like nothing I've ever felt. It clawed at me. Tore up my insides till I was coughing up blood. You wouldn't imagine a voice to cut like an actual knife, but a siren's voice can make you do things you would never have done. The man burning alive just to hurt me and Patton is proof of that. But it can also make your body turn against you, and mine is... "You just have to suffer for it."

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