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Why did I agree to this? Why did I pick him up? Why did I bring him here? Why did I take him to Logan? I am so going to get fired for this. I glanced over to see Patton sitting there next to me, a bag at his feet. Logan just stared at the two of us with his typical neutral expression that I still can't read.

"Sir, My name is Patton Mathews..." He held out his hand to Logan, who just pushed up his glasses in response.

"I know who you are."

"I see." He pulled his hand back into his lap, but his smile never faltered. "Well, I'm sure your also aware of Deceit's disappearance." He crossed his legs and arms in a sassy way, making me question if this guy is really was an idiot, or actually a fucking social manipulator. "And how it was your fault."

"Mr. Evans was the sole responsibility of Detective Sanders, whom you've already been acquainted with." Logan gave me a very dirty look and my heart dropped. Yep totally getting fired.

"Except it isn't. As chief of this department, it was under your authority and thus making it your responsibility." I was in shock. This smiley moron had Logan sitting there, mouth agape. I think Logan just met his match. "I'm sure you can agree that as a leader, especially one in your position, it is ultimately your job to help guide and lead your underlings. Any mistake they make falls on the team and the team leader... you."

"I'm sure Detective Sanders has explained to you, we are doing everything we can to locate Mr. Evans." Patton pulled something out of his bag and placed it on Logan's desk. I just about crapped myself. What is with this guy? It's like he's a totally different person. Logan fixed his glasses and looked through papers Patton had handed him. 

"He looks young..." He said as he pulled a picture off the pile.

"He's not." Patton sifted through his thing again as Logan kept reading. I just sat back confused and totally lost about what was going on. Next thing I knew there was a photo album sitting in front of Logan. What is a bunch of family photo's going to do? Logan shook his head and glimpsed at the book, only to get this serious look the more pages he turned. "I can assure you, they were all taken by him."

"You just had these?" Logan was shaken, but by what? Just what was in that album.

"Our family is one of... history. When Deceit can to be part of it, Virgil made sure to keep us all guarded. You want to find Deceit. So do we, and he is the best way to do it."

"Bringing in civilians to do police work is not something that I do. Sure there are other departments that do, but it's too much risk... to them." He handed the book back to Patton, and once again looked through the papers. "Besides he has no actual experience with law enforcement."

"Sir, If I may be blunt, this is your third screw up in one day." Logan just about glared daggers into Patton, who just sat there smiling like he said nothing at all. "All of which has caused our family a great deal of trouble."

"Yes I am aware that you were apart of the heist, but that black eye of yours..."

"I was not referring to my injury." My eyes went wide as Patton smiled finally dropped. "I was referring to trouble it caused the very man your denying help from." Logan glanced at me and I shook my head. I know that Deceit just about said it was him, but there was always something in the back of my mind trying to disprove it. After all, how could he have done it? One man against six with guns in the dark. That alone was hard, then you add the fact that there were hostages and none of them got so much as a scratch. It's impossible. "Have you figured out who your mystery savior was yet? I'm sure having someone like him on your team would benefit your department greatly in the long run. Aswell as keep the word vigilante out of the media's mouth."

"Uh... Wait..." Logan was at a loss for words. Patton had just beat the smartest man I know at his own game. I was shocked. Patton packed his bag back up and stood up. He held out his hand once again for Logan to shake. And surprisingly, He did.

"I'm glad you agree. I'll be sure to let him know of your decision." And with that Patton left Logan sitting there completely lost. I just ran out after him.

"What the hell just happened?" He just smiled at me. 

"You got yourself a new partner. That's just what happened."

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