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How do I explain this? How do I show how much pain I'm in? Oh, I know how about...

"JESUS FUCKING SHITBALLS ON A FUCKING CHRIST CRACKER!!" Patton laughed as he picked me up and took me into the spare room. I know he said not to scream but... "GOD DAMN HERC ON HADES FUCKN' SHIT LIST!"

I was honestly just spitting out randomness. Patton laid me down on the bed and sat there in the chair beside me. He was pretty good at describing how bad it would be but he forgot to mention the heart ripping. The lack of air... the divine punishment that was befalling me right now.

The burning had spread from my neck to chest and it was like Daenerys decided to sick her dragons on me. I was the Lannister that she wants to fry... And she's frying me good.

I was Chara getting hit by Sans gaster blaster. I was Jack getting his throat cut by Anti. I was Glenn getting the shit beat out of him by Negan. I was Murphy getting bitten 8 fucking times by zombies. I was Phil's elbow everytime he bangs it because Phil is a clumsy mess. I was Lucifer cutting off my wings every single time they came back. I was Morgan getting shot, burn, buried, drowned... you name it. 

I was Prometheus getting peck to death by crows every day for all eternity.

Does that give you some sort of an image at how painful this is?

"Patton? Where are you?" I saw as Patton got up, placing a finger in front of his lips before quickly leaving. I could see them. I could only hear. I melted into the noise and prayed it was enough to distract me. I closed my eyes and felt as the comforter weighed down on me like a sheet of brick. "What were you doing in there?"

"Uh, well..."


"Roman stayed here pretty late trying to do more for Deceit and well... he sort of crashed... I hope you don't mind I put him in the guest room."

"ROMAN'S HERE?!" I heard what sounded like glass crashing and this intense pain shot through my arm. It felt like someone just took a massive jagged knife across it hard and deep. "SHIT!"

"Virgil, you have to be more careful."

"I'm more concerned with the blood on your carpet." Wait, what? Blood... Did Virgil get hurt? My arm started burning even more and I had to bite my tongue to stop from screaming out. I began to taste metal and I just about choked.


"Hey, Patton? Did something happen?"

"No.. why do you ask?"

"I don't remember coming home. I don't even remember leaving the station."

"That's because you fell asleep."

"I what.." What kind of cover is that? People don't just fall asleep like that. "I fell asleep?"

"Yeah, Roman mentioned you had an anxiety attack. You fell asleep after the stress of it, and he brought you home."

"So he brought me home and just stayed... What happened to him?" I heard footsteps heading this way and I started freaking out. Don't ask me why? Don't try to figure it out? All I know is that my body moved before my mind could realize. The pain was excruciatingly mind-numbing. Every tiny movement made shot through my spine like dynamite. I pulled myself up and onto my side, hiding the bite on my neck and causing all the air to leave me lightheaded and lost. I gripped the sheet as the pain leveled out. I could feel the sheet get soaked from the tears. The door practically exploded off the hinges. I jumped in surprise and felt my skin crawl in response. I hated it., but if I'm still feeling the pain then it means I haven't died yet.

"Virgil, I don't think..."

"It's ok Patton... You go on to bed. I think I've slept enough."

"Virgil, I don't think..."

"Patton, seriously. Good night." 

"Good night, kiddo." I heard as Patton left. I even heard him go up the stairs, but Virgil remained in the room with me. 

"I'm sorry..." My eyes opened wide at the sound of his tears. I wanted nothing more than to turn and wiped them away. "I'm sorry...  the thing is though... I don't know why? Maybe it's because Deceit was my problem. He was my responsibility. Now he's gone and you've been pulled in our mess. Maybe it's because you've had to deal with my bipolar shitstorm since we've met. I don't know why... I just am..."

I heard Virgil get up and leave. It was like the air changed. Like something said he was gone. All I knew at that moment, this wasn't just some voodoo magic shit that Patton made it seem. Sure it was that but... I don't know how to explain it. I felt the bond before all this started happening. I felt the need to protect him for longer than this pain. Patton made it seem it would all happen after this but it started before so...

What does that mean?

I heard the front door close and it was like instant fire in my veins. Like him leaving the house... leaving me was the most painful thing. He wasn't gone though... just outside. I could feel his presence. So I clenched my fist, bit my tongue, and rode the waves of pain like a fucking surfer until it all went black.

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