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"Gift? Are they topped with bows?" I am confused. I very much doubted the Virgil here would hand me a wrapped present and say ' here this is for your ending servitude to me.'

"No... That's what we call our powers.  For instances the telekinesis you saw me use with the door. Basically, the vampire gives you a portion of there energy and your given gift to serve and protect them as your master. The stronger the vampire, the likely hood of a strong thrall." It was kind of hard to keep track of this. My mind was a bit fuzzy and the warm in my neck was only getting stronger.

"How strong is Virgil?" He gave me this look that just screamed 'seriously?'

"Very... He's also very old which means..."

"The more likely hood I'll be strong. I'm sorry I don't see the downside in that." He gave me this neutral gaze and I just shrugged. I just don't see a downside. Either way is risky. The safest option is the ride it out. And on top of that I get powers, so what if I... ahem... serve Virgil. He's not that bad a guy.

"The stronger the gifts given, the riskier it is, and the more agonizing the transition. Virgil is one of the strongest I've ever met. He's also lived 200 years. That's plenty enough time to accumulate more energy."

"I don't care." He looked at me with utter shock.

"I don't think you understand the risk."

"I don't care, Patton." I was telling the truth. I didn't care, and not for the reason he may think.

"Don't stake your life on the slim chance you might get a strong gift." I shook my head and stood up leaning up against the wall.  I wasn't angry. I knew why he thought I was agreeing but I'm not some power hungry creep. 

"I'm staking my life no matter what choice I make. There is no choice that safe. I would NEVER risk my life for the mere shot at power. I am not putting my faith in that. I am putting my faith in Virgil." He just nodded his head and ran a hand through his hair. I watched as he took a deep breath putting on the big bright smile he always has.

"Well ok then. We had plans we need to make." He got up and made his way to the kitchen. Unsure of what was going on I followed him, book in hand. When I entered the room I could see him... correction, I could barely see him. He was moving so fast, going from cabinet to cabinet, drawer to drawer, pulling things down and pouring them into this cup thing. Next thing I knew Patton had me by the arm, a knife in hand, and a cut on mine. He dropped some of my blood into the cup and then set to cleaning and dressing the wound. "Sorry about that, kiddo. The spell called for it."

"Spell?" He looked up at me and his eyes beamed.

"Oh that's right, I never told you what I was." He walked over to the cup, whispered something, and out of nowhere it burst into flames. It quickly died out revealing this clear liquid. He grabbed the cup and walked over, handing it to me. "Drink." I raised my eyebrow in concern and he just laughed. "Trust me, drink."

"Ok, but after you better tell me what you are."

"Deal... now drink." I listened. Drank it all too. It was the nastiest thing I have ever had. I can't even describe it. It was like dirt, puke, and spoiled milk was put in a blender until completely smooth. Then put in a plastic bottle and forced to sit outside in 90-degree weather for 8 hours. Then after that its thrown into this mixer of horse piss and skunk spray and made into this satanic cocktail. It's then served with a grass clippings cookie and a side of moldy ass cheese!

Wait no I describe that better...

It was as if Patton just told me I could never hear or watch Disney ever again!

"You... Seriously... Owe... Me... Big!" I was choking it back trying so hard not to throw it all back up he just laughed and handed me a cookie. Which I ate, obviously. 

"Ok. To answer your question... I'm a halfling. or more specifically a vamp-ling. Halflings are creature born with only one supernatural parent. Half Vampire and Half human. No fangs... all magic." He held out his hand and I watched as all these colors began to swirl around like a musical rainbow.

"So you're a witch..." 

"Sure let's go with that Roman." For some reason, he was starting to get very hazy. I was seeing doubles and I ended up accidental bumping into the counter knocking over things I honestly could see. The burning in my neck got even hotter and I slid onto the floor, too weak to stand. "Roman, can you hear me?" I looked up to see three Pattons bending over me, a very supportive and caring smile on all their faces. I nodded trying desperately to blink the hazy out of my eyes, but nothing was working. "Virgil can never know what happened. If he found out he enthralled you it would break him. He'd never trust himself around anyone ever again."

"Pat...ton..." The room started spinning as I sat there staring at what was now four Pattons in front of me. "Pa..t..."

"Shh... Listen to me, Roman. What going to happen next is going to agonizing. Certainly more than that disgusting drink I had you drink. That will lessen it as much as it can but depending on what you're given. It might not seem to work at all. I assure it will." He knelt further down till he was face to face with me. "No matter how agonizingly painful... No matter how much you want to, do not scream. Do not cry. Do not show any pain. It will feel like your burning alive... like your being torn into tiny pieces. Like every bone and organ is being crushed inside of you and so much worse. DO NOT SCREAM!  Do you care for Virgil?"


"Then don't let him see it. It will kill him."

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