Chapter 7

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The days passed more quickly now that he wasn't afraid for his life all the time. He always had someone with him that kept Weasley and his goons from getting at Harry. He knew it couldn't last forever, but at least he had some time. But now, everyone had more on their minds. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were coming at dinner that evening. The school was full of excitement and the professors could hardly get any teaching in. Everyone besides Professor Snape had given up after their first class because of the rowdiness of the students. The Potion Master's class was the only class no one dared to act up in. That class was quite the same as it always was. Except, perhaps, that it was getting colder—if that was even possible—because of the declining fall temperatures.

Well, no one was willing, but one. Mr. Ronald Weasley of Gryffindor didn't seem to care that he was in the classroom of the man who had a reputation for being prejudiced against Gryffindors. But he was always the act-before-you-think type. For some reason, Harry and Lily had ended up on the Slytherin side of the border between the houses. Weasley had chosen the seat directly next to theirs and Harry already knew something was up. It wasn't 10 minutes into making the potion for the day that he did something. He tossed several extra belladonna leaves in Harry and Lily's potion. Harry knew something bad was going to happen, so he performed his strongest shield charm and covered the entire, unsuspecting, Slytherin side of the class. Not a second later, the cauldron exploded. The force was so powerful that Harry was knocked back and hit his head on the table behind him; he was knocked unconscious. Weasley must have thrown in more leaves than he thought, because everyone but the Slytherins and Snape—who was used to having up a last moment shield charm—was unconscious and covered in terrible burns. Weasley with the worst.

The Slytherins looked at Harry first—the spell had come undone when he'd been knocked out—and looked up at the frightening sight of a livid Severus Snape. He quickly sent a patronus to Madam Pomfrey and asked a Slytherin or two to help carry Harry into his office. The Gryffindors needed Poppy's attention. Harry would be fine with a few potions. When the Gryffindors were all safely in the hospital wing and Harry was in his office, he dismissed his snakes for the rest of the class and with a wand wave cleaned up the mess the youngest Weasley boy had made of his classroom. He was fortunate that Harry's shield charm was strong enough that it protected every one of his Snakes. He almost didn't want to know why a fourth year would have such a strong shield charm, but that could be addressed another time. Right now, Harry needed attention.

From his potions stores, he collected: an anti-concussion potion, a Skele-grow potion, and some basic healing potions, plus any extra stuff he may need. Lily opted to stay and look out for her friend and he didn't prevent her. He didn't want a freshly-healed Harry Potter at the mercy of the students of Hogwarts. He worked for half an hour before he risked a Rennervate.

When the boy woke up, he bolted into a sitting position and looked around himself with wide eyes. When he calmed down a bit, he realized he was still in the dungeons and that Lily and Professor Snape were the only ones in the room. "What happened?" He asked. Everything seemed foggy.

Lily spoke up and told him everything that had happened. She had a sort of serves-him-right tone when she recounted how badly Ronald Weasley had been hurt because of the little stunt he pulled.

Harry only sighed, "I guess three years of friendship mean nothing to him. But never mind all that. What about the other Slytherins? Are they alright? I had hoped the charm would be strong enough but I wasn't sure."

"They're all fine, back in the common room, and equally worried about you and ready to kill Ronald Weasley for putting not only your life in line, as well as everyone else in the classroom. When you're ready you can both go back, but there's something I want to ask before you go." Harry had been about to stand up from the couch in front of Snape's fireplace.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Why are you able to cast such a strong shield charm? I've seen grown adults who can't cast a shield charm as strong as that one."

Harry shrugged, avoiding the man's eyes, "Practice, I guess." Severus sighed, fearing as much.

"Very well, you may go to your common room. Just be on time for your next class. Send Lily or Mr. Malfoy to me if anything happens. And trust me I will have a word with both Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster about Mr. Weasley's disgusting actions." Harry nodded and he and his friend made their way to the Slytherin Common Room.

When they reached the room, every Slytherin from their year was in the common room. They rushed over when they came in and bombarded Harry with questions. Lily yelled above the crowd, "Hold on, everyone! Give the boy some space!" Everyone backed up and returned to where they were sitting, standing, or pacing. Harry sat down in the remaining armchair by the fire. Lily told the story for him and assured everyone he was alright while he caught his breath. Even Malfoy was willing to fight Weasley on Harry's behalf and Harry was surprised the blond could throw away three years of animosity. But they were older. Perhaps he had decided their fighting was petty and childish and not worth the effort. Harry had to agree and found himself wishing he had made friends with Draco from the beginning. But nothing about that could be changed now. While the others talked and Harry thought, he found himself slipping into a dream.

He was back in the cupboard under the stairs. It must be a memory. As he lay in the darkness he was startled by the sound of heavy feet coming down the stairs above him. A deep-ingrained sense of dread filled him and he waited for who could only be his uncle to come to the cupboard door. He stood in front of it for what seemed like forever. Then, the lock clicked open, the doorknob clicked and started to turn. He saw the silhouette of the huge man surrounded by moonlight. One fat hand reached for him and—

—he woke up with a start.

Words: 1,115

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