Chapter 22

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Severus, Lily, and Harry flooed to Platform 9 ¾ on September 1st, trunks, Hedwig, and Lily's new kitten, Sapphire, in hand. They were met with the Weasleys and the Grangers. Cedric had graduated, so he wouldn't be joining them and the others were already waiting on the train. They all helped each other get their luggage on the train before returning to their parents and guardians. Lily and Harry said goodbye to Severus; they didn't hug him because they didn't want to mess with his reputation as the cold Potions Professor. The Weasley adults were swarmed in hugs and kisses, well-wishes and promises to write every week. Teary goodbyes from the Mrs. and long-lasting waves from the Mr.

They joined Neville and Luna in the compartment. It wasn't as crowded now that Cedric wasn't with them—Luna didn't have to sit on Ginny's lap, but she chose to—so there was a whole seat for Hedwig, Crookshanks, Sapphire, and Trevor; the Twins still preferred to sit atop the luggage racks.

They spent much of the ride sharing what they did over the summer. Harry and Lily excitedly shared all the potions they had learned and how much fun it was to play on the Snapes' little Quidditch pitch. How Harry was so happy at his new home and that he wouldn't be against coming home for the holidays.

Hermione told them how, after Harry's birthday, she and her parents took a vacation in Australia. She told them what she had learned about the Flora and Fauna indigenous to that area. Luna, Lily, and Harry seemed to be the only ones very interested. Ron and the Twins rolled their eyes the whole time.

Luna told them how she and her father had taken a trip to a few national parks in America. She told them about all of the strange and unusual creatures they found while they were there. She ranted dreamily for a while until everyone grew tired of hearing about these seemingly fictional creatures.

Next, Fred and George shared their inventing and experimenting stories and how they were able to open a store in Diagon Alley—currently being run by a trustworthy friend while they were in school—and how much they had done with it. They were planning on giving out free samples throughout the school year to advertise their products. In fact, they had two suitcases filled with said samples. Hermione seemed itching to confiscate them—she could now that she was a prefect.

Neville told about all of the herbology related books he'd been so happy to receive. He also told about the cool plants he'd found in a wizard's park near his home. He told Hermione, Lily, and Harry specifically about one plant that was supposed to dramatically speed up the brewing process in potions, which would be a really big development for potions with long brewing times or high-demand potions like medi-potions.

They were interrupted halfway through the trip—Hermione was interrupted while reading, Harry and Lily were playing Exploding Snaps, and Ginny, the Twins, and Neville watched Luna beat Ron at chess. Draco Malfoy opened the compartment door alone, no Crabbe, no Goyle. Not even Zabini or Parkinson. He already had his robes on and had an uncomfortable look under his cold façade. He wouldn't look at the Weasley side of the carriage and he barely glanced at Hermione. He, instead, addressed Lily and Harry, "Severus told me before I got on the train, to see him after you're seen to your dorms. He wants to talk to the both of you. Don't ask what; I don't know." He turned on his heel, prepared to walk away when Hermione spoke up—much to the surprise of them all.

"Would you like to join us, Draco? We're out a friend since Cedric graduated last year."

He turned and looked at them all, surprised. Ron seemed angry until Ginny elbowed him and he shrugged, continuing his game with Luna who hadn't paid any mind to the Slytherin. Draco relaxed a bit from his uptight posture and looked a little pleased, "I'm sitting with my other friends. But..." He paused, "Thank you... Granger." He turned once more, closing the door softly behind him and rejoining his friends. They all smiled at each other. They may have a new member of the Core before the end of the year.

~ ~ ~ ~

Unfortunately, students weren't allowed to mix houses at the Welcoming Feast—that much was made clear at the End-of-Term Feast—so Harry and Lily sat with Draco at the Slytherin Table, Neville sat with his new friends in Hufflepuff, Ron sat with Ginny and the Twins at Gryffindor, and Hermione sat with Luna at Ravenclaw. The sorting was rather boring. Most of the First Years went to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw—but mostly Gryffindor. There were a few Slytherins and though some were of pureblood descent, those who were not, seemed more than a little frightened, but—as the new Slytherin Prefects—Harry and Lily would take care of them. But when they saw Harry sitting at the Slytherin table sporting a Slytherin tie and a Prefect badge, well... they still didn't seem comfortable. They mostly just stared at him in awe.

Harry had gotten too used to being stared at to be bothered by it so he simply ignored the little eyes as he listened to Dumbledore's annual Welcoming Speech. During the Welcoming Feast, Dumbledore introduced a Professor Umbridge as Professor for the DADA by the Ministry. No one seemed very happy about the toad-faced woman with a high-pitched voice being the DADA professor. Harry had a bad feeling about this year. Why couldn't he have a normal school year for once?

The evening went on. The always-marvelous Feast was laid before them and they ate to their hearts' content. Once they had all been stuffed with good food and delicious desserts, the food and plates and cups and everything else on the tables disappeared. Dumbledore gave his final words of nonsense and dismissed them for their Common Rooms. Harry and Lily join together in corralling the new first years and the new 4th Year re-sorts. Lily led the girls and Harry led the boys. Asking First Years to wait in the Common Room for him, he took the 4th Years first, letting them get settled in and understanding how difficult it might be for them. He was able to give them a bit of a pep talk—especially those from Gryffindor. He told him how he felt like an outcast at first, but when he needed help, Slytherin was there for him, even in spite of their past difference.

"Slytherin takes care of their own." He said to the nervous faces staring back at him in the Fourth Year hallway, "If you need anything, find a Prefect and I can guarantee they'll help in any way that they can—including myself." He pauses. They all seem a little more relaxed, "Okay. Your room assignments are next to the door. You will probably have a room with a prior Slytherin, but don't worry about it. Now, settle yourselves in and if you're comfortable you can join us in the Common Room. But we understand if you're not comfortable enough yet. I'll see you all in the morning to give you your schedules. Goodnight."

He left them to find their rooms, returning to the First Years in the Common Room. They were standing where he'd left them, talking amoungst themselves. He called to them, took them to their hallway, and gave them the First Year speech before allowing them to settle in as well. He rejoined Lily in the Common Room for a few games of Wizards' Chess before bed.

Words: 1,291

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