Chapter 37

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The Unconscious body of the Dark Lord was carried out by the Death Eaters, who fled as soon as he was in their possession. Everyone stood in shock, watching as they left behind the blood and bodies and broken stones that commemorated this battle as won. There would be several funerals within the month for those teachers lost at the hand of the Death Eaters.

It wasn't until every Death Eater was out of sight, that they noticed Harry had collapsed, exhausted, on the ground. Lily and Severus were the first to reach them, his friends chose to stay back and keep the rest of the survivors at bay. What Harry needed now was rest and Madam Pomfrey, not hordes of concerned students and teachers.

As Severus was checking over Harry for any serious injury and Lily was casting a few minor healing spells, Dumbledore re-entered the scene.

"Well done, everyone. I think this was a good practical lesson of what's to come in the future. Now, let's get everything cleaned up and everyone back to the beds. It's been a long evening." He turned to Severus, "Severus, my boy. I can take Harry to the Hospital Wing. You must go and get some rest."

The moment the old man stepped closer, Severus moved his wand to point it at the Headmaster, "With all due respect, Headmaster, don't take another step towards Harry." He stood to address the man, "Might I ask why, as soon as there was trouble, the acclaimed, most powerful wizard in all wizarding history left professors and children to take care of the most feared Dark Lord to date? And why it was left up to a fifteen-year-old to save an entire school?" His wand was still pointed at the old man's chest and the others in the room began to look at the Headmaster suspiciously.

"Well, I wanted to be sure that everyone could take care of themselves if I weren't at school. I would have stepped in if it had gotten too bad."

"People have died. How is that not too bad? Do you mean if Mr. Potter had brushed with death, you would have intervened? Or did you just make up an excuse and you were just running away?"

"Now, Severus-" Professor McGonagall started.

"No, Minerva. That is simply unacceptable behaviour from the Headmaster of the school. Especially a wizard of so many titles. He takes no responsibility for his actions. And on top of that," Severus turned back to the Headmaster, who had been trying to leave, "Why were the wards down? Aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on them? When the wards begin to wear down you're supposed to call a meeting and the professors are supposed to re-cast them. Why did none of that happen if they were weak enough to fail?"

"Papa." Lily called to Severus, "Harry needs to get to the hospital wing."

Severus turned away from the Headmaster, who vanished--probably off to his office to change his password--and turned his attention back to Harry. He levitated the boy and asked Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, and Lily to clear a path for him. He left him in Madam Pomfrey's care. The poor child is in the Infirmary far too often for his own good.


When Harry woke up, it was bright, far too bright for his still-tired eyes and he covered his head with his blanket. He heard footsteps coming near him and pulled the blanket off enough to peek one eye at who was approaching. It was Madam Pomfrey carrying a tray of food and levitating a tray of potions. He pulled himself up to a sitting position and dutifully took the tray of food and got started. She placed the tray of potions on the side table with instructions to take them as soon as he'd finished eating and once he'd done that, he had some visitors waiting to be let in.

Beside his bed was a dog bed on top of which slept the wolf. Theseus was curled on a heating pad at the end of the bed, sleeping soundly. As soon as he finished the lunch tray it disappeared and the potions tray floated over from the bedside table. And as soon as he was finished with those, that tray disappeared as well and the doors to the Hospital Wing burst open, allowing entry to all of his friends.

As soon as Hermione reached Harry's bedside she asked a question, "What was the spell you used?!"

"Merlin, Hermione, give him a moment before you begin asking him all sorts of questions!" Ron laughed, following slowly behind her with his hands in his pockets.

"No, Ron. That's not a spell we've been taught before! That spell could be deadly, or dark magic, or anything really!" She turned her attention back to Harry, "Where did you learn that spell?"

Lily stood on the other side of his bed, "Papa taught it to us. For use in case of emergencies. I would say an invasion of the Dark Lord would count as an emergency." She turned her attention to Harry, "How are you feeling?"

"A little sore, a little tired. But I'm alright. What happened with Voldemort? Does anyone know?"

They all looked between themselves and shook their heads.

Cedric spoke from the back of the group, "No one's heard anything from that side of the war. There haven't been any attacks or anything."

Harry looked down at his lap. "I had a feeling that the spell wouldn't kill him. There's something holding him here, keeping him from dying. I don't know what it is, but I know he's still out there. But that will give everyone a bit of time to be more prepared for his next attack."

"That stupid hero complex of yours!" Hermione burst out, and Harry looked at her with confusion, "Always thinking of others before yourself!"

Everyone started laughing. Harry sat back, enjoying the antics of his friends as they all spent time together. What could be better?


It was the last day of the school year and Harry was walking with Lily down to the Great Hall for the End-of-the-Year Feast. He took a moment to look at Lily. Something between them had changed, but not really. It felt more like he was realizing something that had always been there. He'd thought he loved her. Like he'd thought he'd loved Cho and the one girl that was actually nice to him in Primary. But in every instance he'd realized, he just loved them platonically. But this still was different. He felt like he'd always known her; as if they'd grown up together. A different love. Not romantic like he'd thought, and not platonic like Cho and the other girl. More like, the family he'd never had. He supposed like a brother might love a sister.

"What is it?" She was looking at him in confusion, "What are you looking at me for?"

"I'm glad you're in my life. I'm glad I met you."

She grinned at him, "Me too. You're like a brother to me."

Harry smiled back, "Likewise."

They entered the Great Hall ready for the Feast. They noticed that all of their friends--even from other houses--were gathered at the Slytherin table, already laughing and enjoying themselves. It was a wonderful sight and Harry and Lily joined them happily, laughing at some joke the twins made, amused by Hermione's disapproving shake of the head. It felt like home being there with their friends. Harry hoped this wouldn't end after they all left Hogwarts.

Cedric stepped down from the professors' table and walked to their group. "I'm glad you're alright, Harry." He said, "Have a good summer." With that, he returned to his own seat.

Harry, blushing, turned back to the group and saw the look on Lily's face. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"No, your face did. Now, just eat already."

"It's not my fault you have a crush on Professor Diggory." She said with a smug look on her face.

Harry hit her in the arm, "Stop that, Lily! And he's not a professor yet, anyway."

"But he will be next year." She laughed. And narrowly avoided another attack from Harry's hands.

He shook his head in exasperation, paused, and turned to the rest of the group, "We'll always be friends right? Even after we leave?"

He was met with a chorus of many affirmatives, of varying degrees of volume and intensity, and he smiled.

He never had friends before Hogwarts, and even until 4th year, he never had many friends besides Hermione and Ron. Now he has so many friends.

It had been a great year, despite the visit of the Dark Lord--which the Prophet has begun to call "The Hogwarts Invasion of '95"--and he only hoped that next year would be even better.

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