Chapter 33

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The next Quidditch match on the roster didn't bother Harry so much because it was a Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff match, but he still couldn't participate in practices. He wasn't so worried about the rest of the year either—about Umbridge's decree—because her ban was nullified when she lost her job. Dumbledore had announced that the morning after she had left that any long-lasting punishments they would have had to endure by her hand were no longer in effect. Lily had high-fived Harry when they heard that. That meant that the only restriction he had on Quidditch was Severus' punishment—which was a cake walk in comparison to Umbridge's ban. He would sit in potions detention scrubbing cauldrons every night until he graduated if it meant he could play Quidditch again.

He was lucky it was nothing like that.

He was really excited for this match because Cho Chang was playing Seeker and they had gotten to be closer friends—by way of Cedric—during the year prior. So that cold, November day, he was sporting a Slytherin scarf he'd charmed to Ravenclaw colours and a Ravenclaw flag. When Cho saw him and Cedric cheering her on from the stands she waved and smiled at them. Harry could tell she was a little nervous. It was always a little more difficult to play in more extreme temperatures and weather. It didn't help that it was cold, windy, and snowing. But Cho seemed to feel better after seeing them encouraging her and mounted her broom with increased confidence.

The only truly significant thing about the match was that the end result was significantly like the '94 World Cup. Hufflepuff caught the snitch, but Ravenclaw won.

Cho didn't seem too bummed that she missed the snitch. She was glad that her team won that round. "Next match is Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff. Then, it's Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The last matches are: Slytherin v. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw v. Gryffindor. But I think Slytherin and Ravenclaw will be on the top. Especially now that Cedric, you're no longer on a team. And, Harry, you're on Slytherin. With you as their Seeker, and the fact that they've begun reversing their reputation of playing dirty, there's really no way they can lose. Well, other than against Ravenclaw that is." They all laughed as Cedric and Harry walked her to the Ravenclaw locker rooms and said goodbye.

Cedric and Harry walked back to the castle and parted at the door when Lily met them. As the two honorary siblings made their way to their Common Room, Lily brought up something interesting, "Have you heard about what the school is doing a few days before Winter Break?" Harry shook his head, he wasn't aware that Winter Break would be any different than usual.

"Well, Draco told me, that his father told him that one night, a few days before Winter Break, the school will be holding another Yule Ball. Except without two other schools crowding the hall."

"Wow, are you sure?"

"Yeah, Draco always knows these kinds of things. So, who do you think you'll take? Got any girl in mind?"

Harry blushed a little—though he didn't know why, "No, no one comes to mind?"

Lily thought for a moment, "Any boy, then?"

Harry blushed deeper, "No. No boy, either."

Lily laughed, "Shame."

"What?! What do you mean shame?" Harry exclaimed indignantly.

She only laughed more and ran past him and shouted, "Last one to the Common Room is a rotten dragon egg!"

And he ran after her, laughing, knowing they could get in trouble for running in the halls, but not really caring. Living in the moment. That's when it hit him. Theseus' snickers. Why he was always so comfortable with her. Why his heart would skip a beat when she laughed. Why he blushed when people—or snakes—implied that he liked her.

Maybe... he did?

His thoughts made him fall behind and she made it into the Common Room before him. She collapsed on the ground, just out of the way, breathing heavily. He stumbled in after her and caught his breath with his hands on his knees. The only other people in the Common Room—everyone else was playing in the snow after the Quidditch game—were Draco and Blaise. They sat together on the couch in front of the fireplace discussing the Charms homework, but Harry didn't remember Flitwick giving any homework. And come to think of it, he didn't remember seeing them at the match.

He didn't have much time to think about it because Draco suddenly said, "If I didn't know better, I'd think you two had known each other your whole lives."

The two looked up at him, then each other, and laughed. "I don't know," Lily answered, "It feels that way too, sometimes. It's just so easy." Harry nodded in agreement, moving to stand in front of the fire.

"Hey!" Draco protested, "You're blocking the heat! You should know by now that I get cold easily."

Without turning around, Harry answered, "Is that why you're sitting so close to Blaise?" He turned for a moment, saw the redness on the face of the young Malfoy, and turned back to the fire, laughing. "Come on, Lily. Let's leave them to their... 'studying'."

Lily laughed, grabbed a book she'd left on an armchair, and followed Harry to Severus' chambers . It was Saturday so he had some grading to do. Sometimes he would let them help with the younger classes so he could get some of the older classes' done. So that's how they spent the evening. It was quiet, pleasant, and when they were finished, they simply read and enjoyed each other's company.

But Harry's mind wasn't on his book. He wasn't thinking about Draco or Blaise, either. His mind was on what his feelings for Lily might mean. On whether he would feel comfortable going to the Yule Ball with anyone else; whether he would still feel comfortable taking her as friends, knowing the way he feels. Perhaps it would be best to act as normal. Just be friends?

Maybe he could tell her? But that could go in multiple ways, most of them bad. She could stop wanting to be his friend. He didn't know what he'd do if they weren't friends anymore. They'd become so close, and they lived in the same house now.

Severus could see that something was on Harry's mind. Not that it was hard to deduce. The boy hadn't turned a page in 15 minutes. He wished he could help, but he was sure Harry wouldn't yet feel comfortable with sharing something so clearly personal with him. He would come to him if he felt that he needed to. For now, he would leave it be.

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