Chapter 15

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Lily, Hermione, Ron, and the Twins watched as their potions Professor leaned back on one hand and another covered his face. Harry watched him with some concern. They were all startled when their professor jumped to his feet, pulled Harry to his feet. He pulled the boy after him back into the castle. Everyone was at classes so Snape ordered the Gryffindors and Hermione to class. He asked Lily to come with him as what he was planning would concern her.

Harry was immensely confused and fairly concerned when he found himself in front of Dumbledore's gargoyle for the second time that hour. He was pulled up the spiral staircase and Lily rushed after them. Severus barged into the Headmaster's office without as much as a word of warning. The Dursley men were at the wall, talking to themselves while Petunia discussed something with Albus. When the three barged into the room, all four members of the room were startled into silence. Severus gestured for Harry to sit down and the boy quickly complied having never seen his potions professor so passionate about anything.

"I will not stand by, Albus. Not now that I know exactly what has gone on under those muggles' roof. As his Head of House, I must advise you with complete sincerity never to send that poor boy back into that home."

"Now, Severus, there's no need to overreact-"

"I swear to Merlin, Albus. I will bring both the wizarding and muggle law enforcement into this. That boy cannot go back there or you won't have a hero or a saviour, you'll have another Tom Riddle. Harry was looking between the wizards with panic in his eyes.

"Professor?" They turned to Harry, who said in a small voice, "I'm alright, really. I only showed you so you would understand."

"I cannot let this go ignored, that would be neglect on my part and I will not let a child continue to suffer once I know the situation." HE turned back to Dumbledore, "I demand you remove those muggles as his guardians and put him with a respectable wizarding family who can protect him. Whatever wards from Lily's sacrifice that may have been there were demolished the moment they treated that boy badly. He has never been safe."

Dumbledore seemed to age before their eyes, until he truly looked his age. He asked the Dursleys to step out for a moment and he put a silencing charm on the door. "Very well, Severus. But there is no one who can take him. He would have to go to an orphanage. "

This time, Lily spoke, "Why don't we take him?" She said. The three wizards turned to her, "My father is the most talented wizard I know. It's just me around the house and Harry's been like family to me ever since we met."

"The twinkle returned to Dumbledore's eye, "Excellent notion, my girl."

Severus scowled at him, "I think they should get to class while we discuss this, don't you, Albus?" the Headmaster nodded and the two 4th years hurried on to their first class of the day. As they passed the Dursleys Harry ducked away from Vernon's swipe and jumped over Dudley's leg. They hurried to their seats and their housemates glanced at Harry in concern. He ignored them for now. He just wanted this day to be over.

~ ~ ~ ~

Harry was in the middle of Arithmancy next to Hermione when one of the Slytherin Prefects came into the class and said that Professor Snape was asking for him. When he was dismissed and he followed the prefect into the hall, he found Lily there waiting.

"Do you think it's about my suggestion?" Lily whispered to him as they followed the Prefect to the dungeons.

"It must be. There isn't anything else it could possibly be." They chatted over what Dumbledore and Severus might have agreed to until they reached the Potions Master's office.

The prefect knocked, announced their arrival, and they were called into the room to join the man by the roaring fireplace. They sat and were offered tea, which they gladly accepted. Anything for something to do. It was a long moment before anyone said anything.

"Are we here about Lily's suggestion, Professor?" Harry asked. He did still have some Gryffindor courage. The man nodded and sipped his own tea.

"Dumbledore has agreed with Lilith's plan and I must say that there is no safer option that I can think of. I can't guarantee it will be entirely safe, but—"

"I'm sure anywhere short of Voldemort's very home would be safer than the Dursleys', sir."

Severus twitched slightly at the interruption, but nodded, "I imagine so. From this year onward, you will be coming home with us. I normally apparate home directing from Hogsmeade, but if you two would like to ride the train with your friends, then you may do so. I can apparate into Kings' Cross and pick you up directly from the Platform. You needn't worry about space, there are plenty of extra rooms in my home and I'm currently borrowing some of Hogwarts' elves to tidy up one of them for you. If you have any question, feel free to owl me, but now you must return to your classes."

They left and Harry was glad of three things: 1. that he would get to stay with his best friend, 2. That he wouldn't have to go back to the Dursleys, and 3. That Snape seemed to tolerate him far more than when he was in Gryffindor. Maybe he finally saw that Harry was not his father and that whatever grudge the man had against him, did not apply to Harry.

Harry dropped Lily off at her classroom because it was on his way to class. He returned to his seat beside Hermione. At her questioning look, he only said, "Life just got a whole lot better."

~ ~ ~ ~

Harry was nervous about living with, as most students called him, the "Dungeon Bat", he was more than glad to get out of the situation with the Dursleys. But now that that minor fiasco was dealt with, he had his mind on the third and final task tomorrow, not to mention what had happened with Mr. Crouch and Krum. He couldn't keep his mind off of the maze and what could have possibly happened to Mr. Crouch and Krum. It was more than clear by now that someone had entered Harry for reasons that could not be good. But whether he was scared, or worried, or what have you, he had to follow through anyway.

Back on the topic of his change of guardianship, Lily had told him at lunch that the Headmaster, the Dursleys and Severus had filled out and sent documents to both wizarding and muggle departments dealing with guardianship. Now, all that waited was approval, but Lily had no doubt that it would be accepted. While he ate lunch, he wondered what life would be like living with the Snapes. They seemed Lily and her father seemed to have a good relationship, so he imagined they had a good home-life. He was anxious to find out, in both a good way and a bad way.

Words: 1,209

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