Chapter 11

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The next thing on the Tri-Wizard agenda was the Yule ball. Where Harry would have to go and dance. Something he had no idea how to do. What was he supposed to wear? Who was he supposed to take? He thought about going with Hermione as friends, but she said she already had a date—and Harry had an inkling of who it was—and then he thought about asking Lily, but for some reason, every time he tried or thought about it his stomach turned in knots and he could get the words out. He didn't know why. One Hogsmeade weekend, the two went together to go Christmas shopping and as they traipsed through the snow, he worked up what was left of his Gryffindor courage and asked.

"I was wondering, Lily, if you could go to the Yule Ball with me as friends. The champions have to have a partner and there aren't really very many people I can ask."

With a playful smirk, she replied, "You make me sound like a last resort." Harry's already cold-flushed face flushed even more as he adamantly denied this. Lily laughed out loud, "I'm only joking Harry, sure I'll go with you. But I must ask. Why didn't you ask Hermione? She is you oldest friend, after all"

"Well, I did, but she's already going with someone. She wouldn't tell me who, but I think we can both assume who it is." She nodded and laughed. And they continued on their way. Harry was glad he was able to get a date fairly quickly. He didn't want to have to rush to get one at the end.

~ ~ ~ ~

The night before the Yule Ball was spent pacing. At least it was on Harry Potter's part. He was so nervous and he didn't know why. He was just going with his friend. He was going to dance with some friends and that would be it. So why was he so nervous? Probably because he would be dancing. Lily had taught him how to dance because, in her words, "I don't want to constantly have my toes trod on while I'm trying to dance." So every other night, groups of Slytherins would put on a record player and practice dancing. Purebloods with private education in dancing at a ball taught those who did not. It was a nice little system. So much so that Professor Snape never had to teach their house to dance like McGonagall did.

Yet, Harry was still nervous. But there was always nerves with things like this. Having everyone's attention on him, probably judging him. It didn't matter though, he would have to do it anyway.

Harry waited in the Common Room for Lily to come down. He was looking down, fidgeting with his dress robes. Partially because he was nervous, partially because Mrs. Weasley got them for him, and he still wasn't sure how she felt about him being in Slytherin now. Especially with the way Ron had been acting. He wasn't as bad as he was at the beginning of the year—he really just ignored him now—but it was clear that he still didn't like that he was a Slytherin.

Harry was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a soft, "Harry?" From the direction of the girls' dorms. He looked up and was awed into silence. There Lily stood. She wore a dress with a black-to-emerald green, flowing dress. It was lined with silver and fit her perfectly. Her ebony hair fell down her back and shoulders in glistening waves. She had one side pinned back with a silver, snake hair pin. She walked towards him so elegantly.

"How do I look?" She asked.

Harry stuttered, "I-You. You look... amazing. You look amazing. Wow." She blushed—Harry didn't think he'd ever seen her truly blush. He cleared his throat, "Shall we go m'lady?" He cringed internally, but she only chuckled and took his offered elbow.

"We shall."

And so they left the Common Room behind them. Everyone else would be coming later, but the Champions and their dates had to be there early. Then they had to wait until a majority of the people were there before parading themselves around the Hall. Harry adjusted his cuffs and collar as they waited outside the doors of the Great Hall and the voices of students became more and more prominent.

"Hey," Lily gently laid a hand on his elbow and he looked up at her, "It'll be alright. I promise. Just take a deep breath." Harry nodded, took a deep, deep breath, and lined up with Lily and the other Champions. He noticed that Cedric was taking Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw his age, Miss Delacour was with another Ravenclaw, and Krum was—as he had thought—with Hermione. Hermione came over before they had to line up and gushed over Lily's look.

All too soon, the giant doors opened and they began filing out from Last Place to First Place. Instead of having both Harry and Viktor walk out at once, Viktor decided he would come in behind Harry. As soon as Fleur and her date entered the Hall, cheering could be heard and Harry's heart began to race once more. Lily gave his arm a quick, comforting squeeze. When Cedric and Cho walked out there was a gasp and a louder cheer. It must have been for them as a couple. Cho was gorgeous on her own, and Cedric was charmingly handsome on his own as well. But together, they were... heavenly. Then it was Harry and Lily's turn. They stepped out into the unknown. There was a path shaped by the students leading to the dance floor.

Everyone was silent as they stepped out. Then, abruptly, a deafening cheer rose and crashed through the crowd. Harry was starting to feel a little dizzy and began to feel like he just wanted to go back to the Common Room. At last, they made it to the dance floor; Lily rubbed his arm comfortingly and they got into the dance position. Harry took a deep breath, and the music started. They danced twice when Lily said her feet hurt—she had worn rather uncomfortable heels—and she suggested that he dance with some of their other friends. So he led her to their seats at the Champions' table, got her a drink, and asked Hermione to dance. She and Viktor laughed together as he left to get them both some punch. Harry took the next dance with Hermione, an upbeat song—in light of Rita Skeeter's most recent accusations—is probably for the best. After that, Hermione rejoined Viktor at their seats and Fred and George insisted on each of them dancing with him. They laughed and danced like no one was watching. After Fred and George, Cedric and Cho decided to dance with him, then Lily rejoined him and they danced one last dance before they both decided they were done for the night.

The dancing was good for Harry. It helped him keep his mind off of the Tournament and such. He grabbed Lily's winter cloak and helped her put it on then put his own on. She placed her hand on his elbow and they walked out onto the grounds. Snow was everywhere and a full moon made the terrain sparkle. They sat together on a bench and just talked until they were too cold and decided to return to their Common Room to warm up and get ready for bed. They could both agree that it was a wonderful, fun night.

Words: 1,268

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