Chapter 10

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The morning of the first task, Harry woke up with dread. He didn't want to get out of bed. He didn't want to face the school. And he definitely didn't want to face a dragon. He walked to breakfast beside his friends with lead in his shoes and sat down like the entire solar system was on his shoulders. He couldn't eat. His stomach was in knots and he didn't think the lump in his throat would let anything down anyway. Hermione came over from the Ravenclaw table to see him, "Harry, you need to eat. You need all the energy you can get."

Harry sighed, still pushing scrambled eggs around his plate, "I'm not sure I can."

"At least eat a piece of toast, please?" Harry agreed, because he knew she wouldn't stop asking until he did. He ate the piece of toast, but refused anymore. He spent the rest of breakfast freaking out both internally and externally. Classes for the day were canceled for everyone, so he didn't even have that to distract him. He wasn't sure his plan would work. And what if it didn't? What would he do then? He hadn't bothered to have a backup plan, so if Plan A didn't work, there was no Plan B.

It seemed no time and a long time when it was announced that it was time for the first task. The Champions were ushered into a tent and the rest of the students took their seats in the stands. The Hogwarts parts of the crowd had a mixture of yellow and green; the supporters were split. Hermione, Lily, Luna, and a few other students represented both houses. Harry's attention was drawn from the crowd and the rocky terrain of the arena when Mr. Crouch announced it was time for them to choose what they would face.

In his hands, he held a leather bag that spouted smoke when he opened it. They were each prompted to reach into the bag at their turn. Harry was the last to choose. Having already seen the dragons and knowing what the other champions had chosen, he knew which he would get. The Hungarian Horntail. The meanest amoung the group. Even Hagrid said so and he doesn't see dangerous creatures as fearfully as other people. If Hagrid says it's trouble, it must be a death wish. Harry was last and listened as the other champions canons went off and they fought their dragon to get whatever it is they had to get.

Harry's canon when off and he jumped. He prayed to Merlin, Fate, and whatever higher powers out there that he would be okay. That his plan would work. He took a deep breath and stepped into the arena. A mix of cheers and boos overwhelmed his ears. He heard the dragon coming near him. He had to time this right if he wanted it to work. So he waited. He waited what seemed like forever. And at last, rose his hand into the air, and spoke, "Accio Firebolt!" He dove out of the way because, at his cry, the dragon suddenly blew fire at him. He hid behind a rock, watching the sky impatiently. At last, he saw a speck coming near him, whizzing through the air like an airplane. He timed himself, got ready, and when the broom was close enough, jumped from his hiding spot and onto the Firebolt.

He felt the heat of the flame on his back and could smell scorched straw. He soared out of reach of the dragon, but close enough that she wouldn't forget he was there. He had quickly found that their objective was the golden egg amoung the dragon's real eggs. They had to take the false egg from the nest without being burned alive or killed in any other way by the dragon. The dragon stretched her neck, trying to grab Harry between her teeth, but not wanting to leave her nest. Harry pulled away, ever so slowly, and she began flapping her great, leathery wings, following him as close as she could without getting too far from the nest. Eventually, she figured he was far enough away that he wouldn't try to get to the nest, and she took off after him as far as she could with the chain around her neck. That is, until it snapped and she barreled through the air towards her target. Harry quickly ducked away, but not quick enough, because she caught his arm with the barbed end of her tail. Ignoring the pain shooting through his fingers and up his shoulder, he flew her away from the students and faculty in the stands. They flew over the forbidden forest, past the clearing where Harry had first seen her. He swung around before she had a chance to process what was happening and flew as quickly as he could back to the arena. Before long she was hot on his heels, but he wasn't willing to give up the opportunity he had been given. He pressed his chest against the wood of his broom, trying to get as much speed as he could. The dragon started closing in. The ground started closing in. He got closer and closer to the gold of the egg. If it had been too much smaller, it could have been a snitch. He urged his broom faster. At last, he had reached the egg. He snatched it and, just before he would have crashed into the ground, he pulled up vertical. As soon as he had the golden egg under his arm, the dragon handlers rushed in and brought the dragon, with some difficulty, back to her cage.

Harry flew straight into the Infirmary tent and dropping his broom on the way, fell into a cot. He carefully peeled off his Champion uniform. He winced as the torn cloth stuck to the wound. Madam Pomfrey came over as quickly as she could. Cedric came over to his bed. His hair was still smoldering slightly, but he seemed to not have sustained any injuries. Pomfrey quickly shooed him away, "Mr. Diggory, when I am finished you may visit your friend, but not before. Now, go and let me concentrate." So he left, but watched the best he could from his bed.

Madam Pomfrey let him stand outside the tent while she continued to work on his shoulder and chest as they called out the scores. In last was Miss Delacour, in the next place came Cedric, and Harry and Krum tied for first. As soon as they were finished, Madam Pomfrey whisked Harry off to the Hospital wing to finish healing his wound.

Harry was back by dinner, but his shoulder and chest still hurt. Madam Pomfrey said that it was likely to scar. Apparently, he had a bad reaction to the Hungarian Horntail scales—which she said happens sometimes—and it would take longer for the cut to heal than it might have for someone else.

When he arrived in the Great Hall, a cheer erupted and Cedric, Hermione and Lily all rushed to his side. Hermione threw herself into his arms, holding onto him for dear life, but quickly released him when he cried out in pain. "Oh, Harry! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Just a bad reaction to the Horntail scales. I'll be fine. It'll just take a little longer to heal."

"I was worried sick, Harry. And when the dragon got loose—Oh, I was sure something horrible would happen."

"I'm fine, Hermione. Honestly. Now, we should sit down before we make even more of a scene." They all turned and found the entire Hall staring at them. Hermione's face flushed a bit, but she said nothing more and they all sat at the Slytherin table. To Harry's surprise, he saw a couple Gryffindors come their way. It was Fred and George Weasley.

"Hey, Gred. Hey, Forge. How's Gryffindor life since I left?"

"Nothing without—"

"—you, mate."

"And without Hermione—"

"—pranking isn't fun anymore."

"D'you remember, Gred, how she used to scold us?"

"Good times. Good times." They both stood there, arms crossed or hands on their hips and shaking their heads.

"Anyway, mind if—"

"—we join you?"

Harry laughed at their antics. They always managed to make him laugh somehow, "Sure, not a problem at all."

On the other side of the table facing Harry, a couple Slytherins made room for the notorious twins. He sat with his friends, laughing and enjoying the time he had, glad he had survived the first task, and unwilling to think about what he may face in the next one.

Words: 1,448

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