Chapter Seven: Getting Help

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Kai's Point of View~
"Flowers!" I shouted as I shot up from my pillow. I heard knocks on my door and a voice asked, "Kai? Are you awake? Can I come in?" I recognized the voice was Lloyd's and allowed him to enter. He came in holding a tray with two plates of food and set them on my desk. "Did you get enough rest, Kai?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, I did," I responded. "That's good. Here, I thought you'd be hungry after waking up, also you skipped breakfast." Lloyd said as he handed me a plate. "Thanks," I said. Lloyd smiled and we both began to eat. As I ate, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself. "Kai? You okay? You look upset." Lloyd asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Lloyd," I said softly. "Huh? What?" He asked. "I'm sorry for making you and the others put up with my behavior. I'm sorry, but I really can't remember anything about what happened. I...I wish I knew what was wrong with me." I said as a couple of tears fell and landed on my hand. "Kai, I promise to help you, you just have to tell me why. Why did you shut yourself out? Please tell me what you're feeling. I want to help you. If you do, maybe you won't have to be sorry for your actions anymore." Lloyd said as he hugged me. "I...I was afraid. I was afraid of hurting you, or someone else, and I was afraid of myself, of what I've become, like some wild animal. The reason why I shut myself out was to try and protect you and the others from me. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me, especially not the ones I care for the most. I'm so sorry I kept this from you." I confessed. "I'm glad you told me, Kai. Now we can try and solve this problem together. The others are sure to understand once they know." Lloyd said. "Y-you'd really help me? After all I've done?" I asked, astonished as to what he'd said. "Of course I would. I love you, Kai, and I hate seeing you tear yourself up. I want you to be happy again." He said.

Lloyd's Point of View~
I was glad that Kai told me the truth and now that he did, I could try and help him. There were still tears coming down his cheek and I wiped them away. I guess there were many mixed emotions bottled up inside and he couldn't process them all at once. To try and make him feel better, I pulled Kai into a tight and let him listen to my heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around me and tightened his grip. "It's nice. Your heartbeat, I mean. It sounds nice." Kai said. "Heh, thanks," I said. The hug lasted a while before Kai quickly pulled away and groaned. "Kai?! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" I asked frantically. His breathing was fast and Kai quickly rushed to the bathroom. I hurried behind him. Kai shut the door and I stood outside of it. "Kai? Are you okay?" I asked. There was no response. A moment later, Kai came out of the bathroom, clutching his stomach. "Are you okay, Kai? Are you sick?" I asked. "No, I...I just need to lie down." He said as he groaned a bit. Kai went to his room and closed the door. I went to mine and grabbed my phone. If I'm going to help Kai, I need to at least do some research on it. I thought. I searched for anything about 'sudden aggressive behavior and not being able to remember', 'reoccurring or similar dreams/nightmares', and 'arguing with yourself' because these were all things that Kai was doing. "Hmm..." I mumbled as I scrolled through the different websites. I found a few websites that gave information on multiple personalities and schizophrenia. "Does Kai have these? I mean, they do sound like what he's been doing." I said to myself. I continued my research and even grabbed an unused journal to take some notes. Suddenly, I heard banging against the walls, things fall, and glass break. I got off the bed and ran to Kai's room where the noises were coming from. I ran in to find Kai spiraling in circles and clutching his head. He hit against the walls and things fell on the floor. "Kai!" I shouted. "Lloyd! Get out of here! Now! I don't want to hurt you!" He shouted at me. He shoved me out of his room and slammed the door shut. "Kai what are you doing?!" I shouted outside of the room. "Lloyd! No matter I yell and shout! Do not let me out!" Kai ordered. "Why?! Maybe I can help you!" I shouted. "No! I don't want you to get hurt! Just keep the door shut! Please!" Kai yelled.

Kai's Point of View~
I had shoved Lloyd out of my room to keep him safe, but he kept on insisting to help. I didn't want anything to happen to him. I spun around and hit against the walls and dresser. I stepped on smashed things given to me as gifts. A couple of tears went down my cheeks. I just wanted this to end. I didn't want to suffer this pain anymore. Then, I had lost control over my body.

"What Is Wrong With Me?"~ A Greenflame StoryWhere stories live. Discover now