Chapter Six: Other Girl

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He gives me an 'are you serious' look. He proceeds to sigh, "Yana, I would but..." He pauses, "...You've gotten heavier."

That son of a bitch said I got heavier, me? I close my eyes for a second, hoping I still wouldn't be looking at his urking face when I do open them. Sadly, wishes don't come true, for me that is. Forcing, I grin, "What did you say Jimin?" I say in a high pitch.

"You're getting heavier."

His dumbass wants me to beat him.

"Heavier?" I emphasize.

Yes, I did gain a little weight not that much. However, this fool is saying it like I gained double the weight I used to weigh. Seriously, I'm offended.

"You need to stop having those mid-night snacks."

My mouth dropped open I was speechless and surprised. Holding back, I paint a fake smile across my face, "I will slap you," I say, then I proceed to stomp up the stairs, fumed. As I stomp off, I could hear Jimin's faint laughter. His happiness was a trigger. Annoyed, I scrunch up my face.

"Wait up, I'm joking."

I roll my eyes, "Funny," I say sarcastically. Annoyed, I swirl myself round as I see Jimin come up the stairs. He puts an arm around my neck and pinches my cheek, "Don't be mad, I'm sorry." Irritated, I push him off, "Ye, whatever Jimin."

He laughs and offers a shoulder, "Do you still need my support?" I turn around slightly, "Aren't I too heavy for you?"

"Heavy?" He walks hops in front of me a gives me a piggy-back. I had no say in this. "I don't think so," He smiles.

Even though I didn't need the support, I kind of had enough of having to walk. Extra, yes, but it was enjoyable.

"Jimin!" I squeal, "Put me down!"

(Actually, don't)

"I rather not," he insists, "I'm taking you to class."

I groan. Hiding the fact I love all this extra treatment. Especially from my brother of all people.

Calmed, I wrap my arms around his neck, rested myself on his back, "You don't need to do this you know that right?" I say.

"I know, but this is the only special treatment you're getting from me, so you better enjoy it."

I laugh, "I am."

Soon, we reach my class. Jimin drops me from his back gently, "See you?"

I smile, "Ye, after-school?"

"I'm finishing early but come home quickly you can walk with Namjoon."

I nod, "Alright."

He waves me goodbye as I wave back.

Before I enter my class, I breathe to ensure my sanity. My School wasn't my favourite place in the world. Not surprised, still. Assuring my sanity was essential. Especially this year, I will not be having a mental break down.

I press my hands firmly on the handle and press opening the door slowly. Regularly, I walk through and give my teacher a fake smile before going to my pre-assigned seat.

Every year we get given a different seating partner, I guess mine was either late or wasn't in. Already done, I drop down in my seat and lean on my hand. Automatically, my eyes looked at the clock, located at the side of the classroom. It seemed the more a looked at it, the slower time got. I groan in my head.

Once my hand got weak, I placed my head on my other. Now with the door in view. If only I could walk out of this class, it seems to be dragging longer than expected. Suddenly, I realized Namjoon's not in my class. Weird, he never missed English not even once. Explains why he's so good at it. Where could he be? Quickly, I scanned the classroom while my teacher wasn't looking. No Namjoon. Maybe, I'll check in the Library at Lunch. Now, I couldn't do anything about it.

"Yana?" I lift my head up and turn to look at the teacher, "Huh?" I say confused.

"Name a theme of Romeo and Juliet giving a quote and an explanation."

Lost I slurred, thinking of anything I could remember, "A-a theme of Romeo and Juliet is Fate. Um, a quote..." I look around the class for answers. Annoyed, I curse myself in my head. Why didn't Mrs put any quotes on the walls she always does?

Thankfully, I remember something. I posture myself, "A quote to support this is in the prologue when it says 'star-crossed lovers' this suggests the lovers, Romeo and Juliet encase by fate."

"Weldone Yana, finally you're starting to pay attention," Mrs congratulates.

I smile, "Ye, I am trying this year," I say while nodding. Honestly, I'm lucky I remembered that quote. Thanks to Namjoon, he practically forced it into my brain.

Once the bell rang, I pack my stuff quickly and head out. As I'm heading to my next class, I notice a figure that looks like Namjoon. It seemed as if he was talking to someone, however, I wasn't able to see who they were. Assuming it was my imagination, I continue to my next lesson. There was a thought in the back of my mind neglecting that it was my imagination. But, I quickly dismissed it.

Lunch eventually arrived; once I had my meal, I went to the Library to look for Namjoon. Searching, I in each row of bookcases and even check the computer area, but he wasn't there. Just as I was about to give up, I notice him in a corner, talking to someone. Quietly, I approach him hiding behind a bookcase trying to overhear his conversation. They were whispering, but I managed to make out some of their words.

"...You were great but..."

"What do you mean but?"

"You know how I feel about-"

"Really? Of all people, I never thought you would do this to me."

"I was honest with you, wasn't I?

There is a pause, "Yes, but I thought we'd be something," I hear a sigh, "So I'm a one night stand?"

"No-no-no Alissa..."

Just as I gasped, I covered my mouth to stop any sound coming out. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Alissa was a one night stand! Namjoon lied, to me. I continue to listen to find out more.

"Fuck you Namjoon, you and your-"


"I don't give a shit!" She whispers loudly, "She's never going to love you anyway!"

Love? Namjoon loves someone, but it's not Alissa? Who? Why is he leaving me out on so many things? I sigh, why can't he be honest with me? His best friend.

"Alissa, I did care."

"Liar," she protests. There was silence for a while. Trying to see what's going on I peer through the gaps. I could only see a little. Namjoon looked down, and Alissa was opposite him with tears down her face. "Tell me the truth Namjoon." She wipes a tear, "Was it real between us, the little moments that we had?"

"Yes, it was real."


"...You weren't her."

She nods slowly, "It was real, to me that is." She takes his hand, "If only you felt the same way." She reaches up and kisses him on the cheek softly before departing from him.

He looked down, looking droopy. I wanted to reach out to him, but I couldn't, or he would ask questions. I didn't want to be the type of friend that snoops around even though I am. Quietly, I head out of the Library, hoping no one would notice me.

Throughout the rest of school, I had the conversation between Namjoon and Alissa in my head pondering on who the girl Namjoon loved was. I still couldn't believe Namjoon would do that to her. Even though I didn't know her, I felt sorry for her. No one deserves to feel like that.

No one.

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