Chapter Ten: That Night.

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It was my home, but he was hogging the remote. Arms crossed, I sat impressionable on the other side of the sofa. Of all people why leave me with Jungkook?

My expression was prominent, clearly showing my rage and anguish for my brother leaving me with some stranger. I could get kidnapped, but no, he doesn't seem to care about that. Jimin is an irresponsible brother; I now understand why my mother always puts me in charge.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook on the other side of the couch, taking up as much space as humanly possible. I see he made himself comfortable. He caught me, shoot. My eyes looked back at the TV, acting as if before I wasn't staring at him. But we both knew, I was.

Hopefully, he doesn't bring it up. I don't want to start a conversation with someone that doesn't take 'no' for an answer.

A couple of months ago there was a rumour the quickly spread around my school. It wasn't the usual teenage drama, which is what a was expecting. It was serious this time. It was about Jungkook.

At first, I didn't believe a thing people were saying about him and thought they were looking for drama, like always. Then, I remembered I saw him the other day with his girlfriend he seemed mad.

At one point I thought he was going to hit her. They appeared to be arguing I don't know what they were arguing about though.

After remembering that, I officially came to the conclusion the rumour was true; he did force himself onto Mina.


A little startled, I jumped out of my seat. My heart pace began to double in speed as I looked over staring into his dark, sunken eyes.

Was this hypnosis? I gulped, his stare was intimidating the same stare he gave his girlfriend. But, this time he wasn't mad. I couldn't tell what he was thinking; he was hard to read.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded slowly, "I'm...fine."


"Mhm," I nod again as I prepare to sit back down a little taken away.

I couldn't last like this anymore I need to go somewhere other than here. Anywhere far away from this place, far away from Jungkook.

Honestly, I fear for myself. That night, I cannot forget the pure terror in his girlfriends' eyes, at that very moment.

I couldn't even imagine ever being in her shoes. My stomach started to churn just thinking about it.

"Uh, excuse me," I said softly in a small voice as I exited the living room.

Now was my chance to escape.

Quickly, I grabbed a nearby coat and headed out closing the door a quietly as possible behind me.

The cold air hit me I instantly started to shiver. Rethinking, this isn't such a good idea. My brother is gone, and a stranger is looking after me.

Unfortunately for me, that stranger is Jungkook. Do I rather be inside with him or outside in the cold? Outside.

I began to dig into the pockets of the coat searching for any change, gold. Luckily, I had enough to buy me a drink, that's all I needed anyway.

Now, I need to get away fast. I began running off and into the dodgy parts of the town, hoping Jungkook wouldn't find me. I was soon to find out that wasn't my best idea.

Once I arrived at the outer parts of the town, I began to slow down and start walking. Most of the shops were locked because it was late outside, there weren't many people in the streets either.

Then a came across an open bar, perfect.

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