Chapter Twelve: Doritos

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After speaking to Jungkook and being assured that nothing happened, I feel a weight lifted on my chest. I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if something did.

Probably hang myself.

I'm joking.

Since I skipped a lesson, I needed to wait until the bell rang for the next period which was, English. Lucky me, I say rolling my eyes. Finger crossed we don't have an early assignment.

The bell rang, soon the hallway was filled with a mass of students all insist on going to their next lesson in time. From the empty room, I gradually blended myself in with the other teens and made my way safely to English.

As I arrived, I sat down in my acquired seating plan. My partner wasn't here, again. I roll my eyes it's going to be so awkward when the teacher says 'discuss with your partner.' One reason for that is, well, my one isn't here. Again.

Wearily, I slump down in my seat and gather all the book needed. There wasn't much actually, required was a pen. Mrs explain that she will be acquiring most of the resource we're going to need today. Honestly, I was thankful she said this. And so were most of the student, hissing with happiness at the back.

Unfortunately, our happiness only lasts for long with a few simple words. "Class, I'll be giving you an early assignment." It took all of me not to groan, like the rest of the class. I called for it, damn that early assignment.

Mrs continued to explain, "For the assignment, you'll be given a partner the partner you're next to."

As soon as she said 'partner', I knew I was doomed. Most likely, since my seating-partner never comes in, I'll have the assignment by myself.

When you thought your life couldn't get any worse, something always happens and proves you wrong.

For the rest of that lesson, I was blindfold with grief. All the late nights I'll have to be spending, on work. I better get some extra credit cause, I'm not doing this without it.

Near the end, while Mrs was briefly explaining before we pack away, a student entered the class. "I'm glad you decided to show your face in my class, Mr Kim."

He didn't say anything and began approaching me. At first, I was confused and a little creeped out. His face was expressionless he didn't care that student behind him was whispering behind his back.

It came back to me, then. It's the guy from the store. He had the same seamless ora around him, and his hair was grown out.

For a minute I zoned out. Then, a hand touched my shoulder making me flinch. I turn around and see him staring at me, the guy for the store; Doritos.

He didn't say anything, so I didn't get the hint. "Your stair."

"Oh," I say, now feeling stupid. Awkwardly, I start shifting my chair to the side, making it likewise easy for Doritos to sit down in his. "Thanks," he says, blandly as he sits down on his chair.

Honest to tell, I didn't know whether he was acting sincere or sarcastic. Damn, he was harder to read than Jungkook.

I wonder though, does he remember me from yesterday? I kind of, have a feeling he has the memory of a goldfish, or I'm either one of the many females he talks to on a daily. I can hear all the girls behind me slobbering after him like he's the last pizza slice or something. I roll my eyes listening to their conversations.

Honest talk, he's not bad, so I have to give credit when it's due. He was kind to me yesterday, but I don't think that person is the same person I met at the shops recently.

The teacher begins handing out notebooks with a piece of paper previously slipped in between them. I assume this is out project assignment?

Once she had finished handing them out, she continued her explanation. "Inside the notebook, there is a theme that you'll have to base your project on and the notebooks are used for notes and quote recap depending on your theme. Each pair has to produce an equal amount of effort in this assignment you cannot rely on one person." She directs her attention to, Joseph, a guy known for doing nothing in class. "Remember it has to relate to your theme specifically or else it's a fail, and it'll heavily affect your end of the year results." Our Teacher smiled at our miserable expression on our faces, "Cheer up, all you need to do is do your part and pass. Any questions?"

I swear down if someone puts their hand up-

I spoke too soon. Annoyed, I slouch in my seat. From the corner of my eye, I see Doritos I wonder what's going on in his head.

Once the question was answered, just in time the bell rang. Our teacher excused us all, and we made our way out.

Quickly, I gathered my belongings and hurried after Doritos. Why? Because I knew I was the one that would have to make, the effort.

"Hey." It was hard to keep up with him as he walks surprisingly fast, "Hey, Doritos." I repeated hoping to grasp his attention. Thankfully, it did.

Hands on my knees I took the time to catch my breath. "Wa-"

"-Wait, I need breath," I said, raising my hand signalling for him to pause. "Sorry, continue," I say finally standing my ground.

"What do you want?"

"The assignment, what time are we going to do it?"

"I don't know, figure it out," he started to walk away.

"We're partners though!" I shouted after him, but he ignored me and continued walking off.

Why is he so stubborn? 

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