Chapter Three: My Romeo

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I listen.

Astonished, you see Hoseok bring a full caused breakfast. "When did you even make this? Or is this ordered?" I ask.

He laughs, "When you were upstairs, you took a while so I thought I would surprise you."

"Are you sure you didn't order this? I've seen your cooking."

"I'm sure I had some time to improve on it."

He hands my plate to me I take a bite, "Mmm, delicious."

"Are you just saying that?"

"No, seriously," I take another bite but bigger, "It's amazing."

"Really, " He sits down beside me and opens his mouth, I give him some, "Mmm, you're right."

He opens his mouth for more, I shake my head, "No you made this for me!" I say smiling. He takes some anyway. "Oi," I move further away from him.

Quickly, I finished the breakfast he made for me. "So, are we going to mine?" I ask. He nods, "Then we'll head with my stuff to the airport."


Today was the day he was leaving. I still wasn't ok with it, but I needed to make the best of the time I had with him before he moved.

He offers to take my plate for me, "Thank you," I say. "Wait for me at the front door, " He says.


After a while, he eventually arrives, and we were set to go. I was sceptical about him seeing my brother again.

Hopefully, he wasn't home. Last time, things got awkward, my brother kept asking Hobi weird and personal questions. I don't even want to talk about it.

Hoseok opens the car door for me, and I sit. Before long, we were driving to my house.

During the drive my mind was focused on my brother, and what he would say to Hoseok again. Last time didn't go as well as I'd planned, I thought they would get along, unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

On the other hand, Hoseok liked my brother. Well, it appeared to like him but, my brother, however, didn't like Hoseok. The reason for his judgement is still unknown because he wouldn't tell me.

"Hobi?" I turn I face him, my leg slightly lifted on the front seat, " I don't want you to meet my brother again." I burst out.

"Why not? I like him."

I gave him a look, "Even after those weird question he asked you."

"He was trying to look out for you, I understand."

I sigh, "I wish he just did the hurt, my sister, I hurt you, thing instead." I shift a little, "He crossed the line with those questions."

"Maybe but, he meant well."

"If you say so."

We arrive at my house. I quickly get out of the car, I needed to be quick to make it in time for his flight.

I open the front door and shout, "Anyone home?" No reply, I was relieved. Quickly, I race upstairs and get changed. Once I finished I rush downstairs and head back to the car. "I'm ready!"

"That was quick," he says.

"Hurry, no chitchat you're going to be late."

He starts to drive and within 30 minutes we arrive, due to heavy traffic. Hastily, we rush into the airport.

"So, is this where we depart?" My voice was soft, holding back the tears that wanted to fall.

"I guess..." He shrugs, "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

I sigh, he knew my answer so why did he ask?


Faintly, he smiled, "Ok."

It was pretty awkward for a couple of minutes. Neither of us knew what to say or how to end this. Cautiously, I rocked back on my the heel of my foot. On the other hand, he looked everywhere accept me.

"Shouldn't you be leaving now?" I say in a quiet voice.

Quickly, he checks his phone, "Oh yes." He presses his lips against each other, "Can I have a hug?"


Before I had the chance to accept, he came up close to me and pulled me into his chest. Wrapping his strong arms tightly around my upper-waist. I felt his body heat escalate from him the feeling was comforting. Even though I was shocked, I didn't want him to let go.

He leaned in closer and whispered, "I love you." Withholding, a tear slid down my cheek and fell onto his shoulder. I didn't know what to say, should I even say anything? I feel like whenever I open my mouth things seem to get worst.

Accepting this reality was trivial.

Slowly, he lets go, but I hold on. "No, not now," I say, my voice slightly trembling.


As a young child, I never thought I would ever find a prince charming. But, there he was holding and comforting me. All this time, my relationship with Hoseok was still fresh and youthful. Although sometimes we would argue, I still managed to fall back in love with him. No doubt he was special to me.

Letting go, I smile at him. "I love you too," I eventually say.

A bright grin spreads across his face. Realising, he kisses me, "My precious little Juliet."

Softly he caresses my cheeks as I blush at his heartfelt return. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye," I respond.

"My Romeo," I whisper under my breath as he walks away into this distance.

My smile soon fades, heavily I sigh. Succumbed to the feeling of being alone. Wearily, I exit the airport.

Irritated, I start kicking pebbles. Why can't I tell the truth? Maybe he would have listened to me? But I don't want to be that type of girlfriend that holds their boyfriend back, only because they'll fell lonely without them. Even though, I am. I tilt my head down then back looking up at the sky.

It'll be fine he'll come back. He promised.

I dig into my pocket, pull out my phone and call-

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