Chapter Twenty: Cross-fire

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I honestly don't know what to think. My mind stirred with a mixture of emotions; I was overwhelmed with a fusion of feelings. One part of me wanted to release the tape to the whole school the other wanted to destroy the tape.

I did neither; before I do anything radical, I need to talk to him first. His explanation better is good cause at this moment if he rubs me the wrong way, I'll release it, destroying not only his but the teachers' life as well.

Honestly; I don't want to hurt him. I only want to take a part of him away. Make him feel like I felt that day, an idiot.

For the people reading this, know this is illegal to have a relationship with your student, and when prosecuted will be arrested. Holding this evidence for longer without telling the school is prohibited in its own right the act of withholding evidence. Which if I'm proven guilty will put me behind bars.

Before you jump to name calling me, ask yourself what would you do with the tape in this situation, if you say destroy then that's tampering with evidence which will put you behind bars if found out. And that's a big 'if' since two tapes have mysteriously disappears the school is going to suspect a thief and most likely, bring in a warrant to check it out.

The right thing to do is tell, but I won't. The reason is not blackmailing, unlike Yoongi, I have a heart. Tae unmistakably loves her if he's willing to risk it all. I don't want him to live with a broken heart. But, if I also refrain from helping Yoongi, since we made a deal, he will plant me as guilty. He's evil like that, I'd know. I'm playing in cross-fire, the only way I can get out of this is an alibi.

They said, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I guess I've got to keep my enemy around for a little longer.

Sorry Tae

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