Chapter Two: Lost Control

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"What are you thinking about over there?" He approaches me.

I turn around and smirk, "nothing important." Before he even had a chance to say anything I press my lips against his, kissing him passionately.

Ok, when I meant, 'stay on good terms' I didn't mean make-out with him as soon as you saw him.

Aftershock, he started to kiss back; rough. Overtaken, he slams me against the counter.

Gracefully, he lifts me up onto the counter behind me, his hand clutching my lower back making me arch.

I was slightly above him, looking down at him as he breathed heavily against my neck. Tightly, I wrapped my arms around his neck pushing him closer than he already was to me.

Gently, he reached and whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine; before pressing his lips to my neck, sucking it softly. I couldn't help but whimper in a release.

Breathing heavy, I leaned back as he moved slowly down my throat before moving towards my lower chest. His breath was hot and laborious, the desire he felt was inevitable, both of us were unaware of what would take place. I wanted to stop, but the feeling kept me immersed at the moment.

Abruptly, he drew away. "Do you want this?" I nod, I didn't hesitate in the least, all I could think about was how good he made me feel.

Thirst struck, I gazed at him as he unbuttoned his shirt before me. His smirk made me quiver as I bit my lips in plead; striving to control myself. I didn't want to look back.

"Ready?" He says in a riveting voice.

I approved, I waited for something to happen, but nothing.

"This is wrong," he said eventually.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to do this then leave."

"Does it matter?" I continued to latch onto him, smothering him gently.

"It will later, this is not the right time," he pulls me off him and walks off.

Honestly, he was right I would regret it later. After all, I'm still a virgin. But, it didn't change the fact that it still hurt.

I slide off the counter and go into the living room, I saw him on the sofa, watching a movie. Bored, I joined him.

Weary, I plumped myself down on the couch. "Hey, what are you watching?" I ask as a fall on his shoulder, softly he ruffles my hair, "A movie called; Mother!"

"Is it good?" I question.

"So far, yes. But, I just started watching."

"Mmm, ok."

I reach in a kissed him on the cheek, he looked at me frazzled. "What was that for?"

I smiled, cautiously, "Everything."

For the rest of that evening, we just watched movies until we both fell asleep.

Sunlight pierces through the blinds of the open window and unto my eyes, making my eyelid flicker abruptly until I eventually opened them. I was in a bed, weird.

An arm suddenly wrapped itself around me pulling me in; a warm person embodied me, softly cuddling me.

The feeling was recognisable. Uncontrollable smiles plastered on my face, Hobi, I excitedly turn around and see him smiling brightly at me.

"Morning," He says before pressing a hand between my thighs. Gradually, he leans in to kiss me. His soft lips caressed mine as he rubs his hand against my thigh: pulling away he smirks at my expression.

"Why are you holding back?" I look at him, "Because yesterday you were right, I got too pulled in to you."

I move his hand off my thigh, "Hobi, you tempt me, but I'm not ready."

He smiles, "I'm proud, now I know you won't cheat on my whiles I'm gone."

I pull back, "What the heck this was a test?"

He laughs, "What do you think I am? Yes, it was a test." Increasingly, he starts to get up off the bed, "I'm not going to go back on my word just like that."

I smirk, "What if I failed the test?" I get up and crawl on the bed towards him, on the other side, as he put on his shirt. He gives me a grin, "Then you're a bad little kitty." He says as he brushes back my hair out of my face.

Mimicking a kitten, I purr.

"So cute," He says as he grabs both of my cheeks a squeezes them. I frown, "I wasn't trying to be cute, but sexy."

He laughs at my expression, "Sexy is overrated, I love Cute." He leans in a gives me a single kiss.

"I want you to act like you did yesterday," I whine.

"No, I'll lose control," He says in a serious tone, "I could have hurt you."

I laugh, not taking him seriously, "If you hurt me, I don't care as long as you look hot doing it."

Ye, that sounded good in my head, but saying out loud makes it seem like I'm not ok.

"Ye, no." He replies then walks out of the room.

I sigh then bounce off the bed. As I pick out Hobi's clothes, so I can wear them, I notice something in the corner. A box.

Being the nosey person I am I reach in his closet and pull it out. The case was entirely black. Unfortunately for me, It had a padlock on it, so I was unable to open it.

Instead, I smelt it. Yes, I'm weird, but I thought I could guess what was in the box if I did. Surely, smelt. The smell was strong, but I didn't have a clue what it was. It felt wrong, so I returned the box to its original place in Hobi's closet.

I grab a random T-shirt, a boxer and wear them before racing downstairs.

"Took your time," He says, greeting me with a kiss. I smile. I desperately wanted to know what was in the box. What if I ask Hoseok?

No, it'll start an argument. "Have you made breakfast?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll get yours for you just sit on the couch."

I listen.

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