Noahs P.O.V

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Nova's not been at school for ages now.
She's the only one that I'm happy to see when I come to school.
She barely knows me but I know a lot about her.
My dad keeps documents on the leaders of the town and because she is the mayors daughter she supposedly has a role in leading.

I stared into my locker forgetting everything until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Nova.
She hand gestured me so I followed.
She brought me to an empty corridor.
She had an angry look on her face.
"Why did your father rape my sister?" She shouted going red in the face.
"I..I don't know..." I answered.
She kept talking and talking shouting at me telling me how much damage my father had done, but I didn't listen I blocked the sound out.
I just looked at her pretty face in the light.
I couldn't help it.
I leaned in to kiss her just like that.
She pushed back at first but then looked at me with seriousness on her face then her frown went into a grin and she leaned in again.
Our lips touching.
Our tongues tied.
Once we'd finished the kiss.
She smiled held my hand and took me through the fire exit.
The schools gonna be pissed I thought but it didn't matter I wouldn't miss this for the world.
We were laid in a meadow nearly all day most of it we were kissing and then we actually decided to talk for a little bit.
"Why'd you change your hair?" I asked.
"Well my brother died and that put me on a rampage and I went through a lot of stuff which made me change my hair in the first place which was a stupid idea I never liked my purple hair." She replied.
"Got your powers yet?" I asked I didn't really know what else to talk about.
"No, I should soon though hopefully," she said, "oh shit look at the time I need to help Diana sorry I've got to go we'll talk later though."
She smiled at me and gave me another kiss and she ran off into the distance.

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