Nova's P.O.V

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2 months later
Diana's not any better.
She can't get an abortion the baby is too strong and she's not even strong enough to be pregnant with a werewolf she could die if she gives birth to it.
I hope she pulls through...

I neatly put on my black dress with a white collar and rolled up my perfect black tights.
I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself.
I looked fine except for the fact that I didn't like my purple hair. I quickly put on my polished shoes and grabbed my coat. As I was heading for the back door Anna tapped me on the shoulder. "I need to take Lana out but Diana didn't come back last night and I have to stay here until she comes back, will you take Lana out for me?" She asked. I then nodded my head and grabbed Lana's pushchair opened it up and Anna popped her inside it.
We were in the shop for quite a while I couldn't decide what hair colour I wanted. I finally I decided I would go back to my natural colour which was red like Anna's.

I took Lana to the park for a little bit but as we were coming back my phone started to ring. I stopped by an alleyway and picked up my phone from my purse and walked away from Lana. It was dad. I picked the phone up and said, "hello?"
"Hi baby girl,"he called
"I haven't heard from you in ages"
"I know sweetie but I've now got a house and it's perfect it's now ready for you to..."
Lana started to scream "MAMA MAMA MAMA"
"Sorry dad I'm going to have to call you back!"
I heard screams behind the garbage can.
"HELLO!" I shouted wearily.
I slowly tiptoed over to where I placed Lana and I could see a head.
Diana's head.
Vomit all over her.
I ran straight over.
She was alive but the day before she didn't look pregnant but now suddenly she showed a bump it was too big for her to be 2 to 3months pregnant it looked like she was at least 5 months.
She was as cold as ice.
Screaming she grabbed onto me.
The bump was moving and not normally either. Suddenly, blood covered her trousers the baby was making her bleed but not just a little it was a lot.
I lifted up her tight top to see what had happened she'd scratched her stomach so many times it was bleeding and there were black lines going across her stomach like stretch marks.
All of a sudden she fainted it had all stopped the bleeding had stopped, the moving had stopped and the black marks had gone away.
For about 5 minutes I knelt there in silence. It was like I was in a trance, but Lana screamed and it woke me up. I realised I had to do something without going into the day light.
The first thing I did was take Lana out of the pushchair and I tried to put Diana in it.
There was a gap in the alley which would take me to the wood then I can go back around.
Suddenly, I got a text from Anna saying she was going to university and she didn't care what time Diana gets back just that she will get shouted at for worrying us.
I picked up Lana and tried to push Diana through the gap.
We managed to get through and go through the woods to get to my house. As soon as we got to the back door i opened it and put Lana inside then I tried to push Diana in and laid her on the sofa. I put Lana to bed and came straight back down with a spare change of clothes, a cloth and a bucket of water.
Firstly, I took her clothes of so she was just in her bra and pants.
My poor sister how could this happen to her.
Her beautiful body is ruined she must have been is so much pain all night.
I washed all of the blood off her legs and then got all of the vomit out of her hair then I put her on a really baggy jumper with some stretchy jeans.
After about half an hour she started to wake up screaming like it was still happening to her till she looked around and saw me sitting by her side tears in my eyes

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