To Disappear

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If Sawamura Daichi had been told that the cool autumn thursday would be the last he ever saw Sugawara Koushi again. He would have held the between classes conversations longer. He would have skipped class all together and taken the slender omega up to the roof of the school, growled at the delinquents they would be interrupting. He would have held the ashen haired omega over and over again, forgotten their lunch, he would have held Koushi to him and thought of a way to make the day stretch out into forever.

The alpha Sawamura Daichi, eighteen years old would have told his best friend and boyfriend how much he loved him. He would have turned all his doubts out, he would have told Koushi what was really on his mind. Sawamura Daichi, a young alpha would not have sabotaged his only happiness or listened to the harsh words from his father, and from Koushi's mother. These truths they pointed out, only amplifying the self doubts he himself had been holding back.

It was too soon to bond, what if they didn't get into the same university? Then the bond would stretch and it would be hard on Suga. What if Suga found someone else, or Daichi lost interest? Daichi knew he could never find anyone else, Suga was his forever, Suga was perfection personified. The young alpha could see how easily the omega would care for their future pups, he saw this in the way the ashen haired omega cared for those around him.

Suga with his laughter like a bell, his scent of vanilla and honeysuckle, and his touch light when needing and firm when the moment called. He was attentive, compassionate and mischievous but never cruel. Suga had seen Daichi at his best and his worst, and the omega still chose to be at his side.

That day, that cool autumn thursday the alpha had been distant trapped in a decision he had to make. For Koushi, he had to do this for Koushi. He knew it would be hard, but his mind was made up. The last of their university applications had come in, and he knew with gut wrenching absolution that they were destined to go to separate schools. The closest being four hours to and from. That was a long distance and costly by train, it was impossible. Suga's mother had pointed that out to Daichi last week while her son was in the shower and the younger alpha was sitting in their family room waiting to watch a movie.

She had been gentle but firm in her words, her face so close to her son's except there was a coldness to her hazel eyes. One that spoke of unkind years as a single mother abandoned by her alpha for another omega for another family. They had bonded too young, and she was left as a social outcast. Not that she would ever allow anyone to say the same about her son, one she was very protective of.

The slender woman with light almost white silver locks reaching to her mid back brought Daichi a warm tea and a tray of snacks. She was wearing her usual blue nursing scrubs having just returned home.

"Daichi-kun I respect your feelings as they are now. I know you feel as if Koushi is your forever but the truth is sometimes love isn't enough. I know my son, when he realizes the two of you are unable to attend the same university he will find a school closest to yours, he will put his career and education aside so you can have one and you both will be together. Would you allow him to do that? Would you let him convince you he will be fine? He wants to be a midwife or a pediatric ICU nurse. He has always wanted to do this and the University of Tokyo is his best chance, however you were not accepted correct?"

Daichi had tried not to look surprised that she was aware of this knowledge he had yet to even tell Suga. So all he could do was nod dumbly, cheeks losing color. The older omega sat next to him on the old sunken in gray couch, her hand patting his sagging shoulders.

"It's alright, this has nothing to do with you. It's just how some schools operate. There are other prestigious schools that have accept your application I'm sure. With your prowess in volleyball and being an alpha I'm certain your options are not as limited as they are for an omega. "

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