CHAPTER 5 Stranger's faces

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A/N: Pictured above is Tanaka's back tattoo.

Suga sat down on the couch sipping the warm tea that Coach had given him and then refilled demanding he finish that. The imposing alpha had also checked over Suga's head wound approving of whatever job the hospital had done to patch the bruised and scraped area up. He tried to keep his scent calm but was secretly relieved to have Ittetsu there. The omega had always been able to handle the more sensitive parts of dealing with brats. That and the man was indeed a sight for sore eyes.

"Now you sit, I'll get something ready for you to sleep on. I don't usually have house guests except the occasional drunk Neighborhood association players, and they usually just pass out on the floor or couch or wherever. So uh, give me a minute okay kid."

Suga nodded sitting back down on the couch as both Sensei and Coach disappeared through a door he figured led to the alpha's bedroom he heard rustling and a slamming door maybe a closet door. Takeda-Sensei had come out of the room shaking his head disapprovingly, before going to a closet near the chichen just opposite another door Suga suspected to be the bathroom.

This place was tiny, but then again Sensei sure did know his way around, he even knew where to pull extra pillows from. Suga smiled to himself again, wanting to share this new piece of interesting info with Asahi and Daichi. His hands reached for his silent mobile, but froze when he had pulled up their usual group chat.

"Oh, right I'm not talking to Daichi, and Asahi's number isn't even his." Suga leaning back into the couch clasping his eyes shut, his head starting to ache. He felt nauseous, Gods let this be a dream. Please. Please, wake up Suga! Wake up!  he opened one eye then the other his shoulders sagging when he came to realize he was still in his Coach's small untidy apartment.

He heard the soft voices of Sensei through the thin walls, he didn't sound too happy. It was cute hearing how easily Ukai gave in when it came to Sensei. What happened? Why didn't the two ever mate? They should be happy with pups, coach may not seem like the kind to want pups but he was a teddybear on the inside. The young omega's cheeks warmed in embarrassment, he had never hugged the coach before. The man did not appear to be the hugging type, yet the alpha had held Suga until he calmed down.

There was a pounding on the front door, before someone burst in Suga jumped to his feet ready to run back towards the back of the apartment. He could smell the angry pheromones that belonged to an adult alpha.

"Why the fuck is the store closed so early Ukai you goddamn bum! You have one job! Oi! Come out! I brought you some left overs. My sweet Chikara is worried you're going to have a heartattack with all the sodium that's in those cup of noodles that and the ten packs a day you inhale." The alpha growled. "Seriously! My Chikara is having cravings for Choko Monaka  jumbo! And he will have whatever he wants even if I have to drag you out of your cold dead body out of your room! Ya drunk where the hell are you?"

"Oh, sorry." The alpha with dark black hair combed to the side and an undercut stiffened when his eyes swept the room falling on the startled young man wearing a highschoolers uniform. "I didn't mean to interrupt I was just looking for Ukai." The alpha stammered slumping his shoulders trying to appear less intimidating but his figure took up the whole doorway, he was wearing a black t-shirt with the words #1 Dad in english printed across the front. His arms were tattooed and his dark blue jeans were held up around his slim waist by an orange canvas belt with a "T" stamped on the buckle. The height, and scent of the alpha grouped with the two small hooped earrings on both his ears made the man looked like he was there to rob the place. Suga was frozen in fear.

"I'm sorry kid. I was-dammit. Wait." He tilted his head, putting a sack of what was most likely a bento down to the left of the open door.

" Who are you anyway? What are you doing at Ukai's so late?" The alpha raised a black eyebrow narrowing his sharp blue grey eyes running over the shaking omega. "What the hell is a highschool kid doing here so late at night and an omega? " the alpha grumbled sniffing the air. "That filthy old man! Where is he?"

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