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Kawashi slipped away from his friends, he felt restless with the Tsukishimas. Tadaki and Ryuu's aunt and mother treated him so kindly. He didn't know how to act around the family that was so open to touch. The dark haired alpha felt like an intruder, that and even more people were showing up at the Tsukishima's home, crowds weren't the teenage alpha's thing. He wasn't anxious like Sho but being around a family atmosphere put him on edge.

His feet carried him along the road until he was there at that shrine, somewhere in time Sho was there. Kawashi started to climb the steps to the old shrine, he found a Volleyball, near the steps. It had the word  Hinata scribbled in akward handwriting. He wondered if Sho had dropped it or something, but it didn't really look like the one Kawashi was used to Sho practicing with.

He sighed, thinking of the short idiot, Kawashi still had Sho's inhaler in his pocket. "You better be doing okay." He whispered to no one.

"Hey kid! You shouldn't be out here alone." Kageyama called out following the young alpha up the steps. Kawashi shrugged, clutching the Volleyball in his palms, he still didn't trust Sho's alpha and he couldn't forgive the bastard for scaring his best friend. Kawashi couldn't think of Sho as his only friend anymore, Ryuu had proclaimed he was exactly that, and it was bothersome to argue with the tall blond.

"Shouldn't you be with the Tsukishimas? You'll make Tadashi and Chikara worry, not to mention your friends those salty twins. "

"They wont really notice, they have their own problems to deal with. I just wanted to look around. Maybe he's still here somewhere." Kawashi didn't care that he allowed the hope in his voice to show his feelings. The older alpha ran a hand through his short cropped dark hair.

"I get it. I feel like he's here somewhere too. Just out of reach, but you still should have let the others know where you've gone. They are the type to worry." Kageyama frowned his eyes falling on the Volleyball in the younger alpha's hands. Kawashi was startled by the pained look in the older man's expression. He offered the ball to the man suddenly feeling as if it were just the right thing to do.

Kageyama took it slowly as if it were a balloon that could pop at any moment. "That was his favorite ball. Shoyo, I uh, I gave it to him for his birthday. Everyone else had given him small gifts of candy and charms whatever, but I gave him this. He was so excited he declared it his lucky ball. I had rolled my eyes, how could it be his lucky ball if he hadn't even played with it yet. You know what he said? He said with his usual big grin, the only kind that always reminded me of sunshine and warm summer days. He said " Gwah, Kags of course it's lucky. You gave it to me and it's my most treasured item! It has to be good luck. I mean I'm lucky enough to be your friend and play on a team with you. Stop looking like you're about to puke and lets play!"

Kageyama sighed, his nose suddenly feeling stuffy he wiped at his watery eyes. Allergies were getting to him, thats what that was and nothing else.

Kawashi looked away as Sho's alpha fought back tears, he wondered if his own alpha felt the same sense of loss. Did his father have any similar stories about Kawashi's mother? What kind of person was she?Did she have a bright smile, was she shy or outgoing? No one ever spoke her name or talked about her.

Kawashi hated these kinds of thoughts and instead of dwelling further on them he pushed the shrine's door open and he was met with an empty dusty place. The older alpha sighed behind him moving past the teenager to stand in the middle of the room. They said nothing as the older man spun the ball in his hands.

"Give me back my son you bastard." He growled low at no one in particular. "Just give him back." The man whispered not caring if anyone heard the plea in his voice.

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