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Tsukishima Kei stood in the old gym, this was really becoming problematic, he wondered how his old teammates were going to react. Suga wasn't looking so great himself, he wasn't much older than Kei's twins. He was looking fragile in Tadaki's hoodie. That was another odd turn up, Kei's twins both acted indifferent towards him, he asked himself daily when that detachment had happened.  Seeing Tadaki distressed was difficult especially since his son was always so guarded, he genuinely was afraid for both of his teammates, well the perceived one and his old on.

Kei felt a headache coming on, a search party had officially started, even though local police were thinking more that the boy ran away and would turn up soon. It had the feel of Suga-san's disappearance all over again.

Glancing at the omega setter Kei wondered briefly once more if the boy had always been so thin, so fragile looking and small. Despite what people thought of his cold demeanor he loved his family and cared for his friends. When Suga had never returned there was a heaviness in his heart, growing up affection wasn't his parents forte, it wasn't even near the top of the list of things needed to develop a strong minded alpha.

His brother tried but he was a little awkward about it, due to their parents cold disposition it always felt hesitant and uncoordinated on both their parts. It wasn't until Suga-san's easy scenting and mothering nature Kei started to see the world differently. Suga had even opened his eyes to the fact that the alpha was worthy of Tadashi's love.

He glanced at his better half, did Tadashi feel like he had made a mistake? All these years the tall blond had smugly walked around with a nervous freckled boy at his side. It had been Kei to confess, he was worried to lose Tadashi. Suga had warned him that eventually one would move on if they thought their love was a burden. Tadashi was selfless enough to do just that, Kei had given up volleyball because he wanted to be closer to his fiance. Kei worked hard to pass the bar, everyone thought he did it easialy but it wasn't like that at all. He was determined to make a future for Tadashi, one where he would never feel anxious about anything. Kei would take care of his omega, unlike Kei's parents the couple would be happy.

When Tadashi announced his pregnancy Kei had made partner, youngest partner at his Law firm.  The whole office celebrated when they discovered the usually stoic alpha was going to have twins. Tadashi was beautiful but carrying the alpha's pups he was glowing and Kei though apprehensive felt the warmest joy.

He had glowered at the reunion chat he had somehow been included in, he had swore to speak sternly to the mischievous wife of his. However it had proved once more that Kei's old team no matter how distant he had grown from, they still considered the snarky asshole as a friend. Obviously they had stayed in contact with his Tadashi, again Kei had vowed to hold off on strangling his wife until after the boys were born.

He rolled his eyes at the group chat in fact he had muted it,knowing that if he deleted the group his lovely wife would only find a way to add them. Kei had changed his password many a time but somehow Tadashi had managed to guess it. The alpha suspected outside help, perhaps a tech savy cat that may be hacking his damn phone.

Kei rolled his eyes at the rough speaking Tanaka dotting lovingly on an exasperated Chikara. Tanaka had taken Shoyou's loss just as hard as Tobio. He had been the one to find the sunshine incarnate. Shouyou was a happy gentle soul, anyone who came across the annoyingly energetic omega instantly fell head over heals in love.

Well instantly forming a platonic bromance as Bokuto would often claim. Tsukki had been there at the funeral, that cold hearted bastard Kageyama had stood in the rain clutching a black umbrella his own twins at his side, the two boys Kei remembered just stared down into the whole where a coffin had been lowered. Their older sister sharing the solemn Kageyama scowl stood head held high with her own umbrella, Natsu had been holding mewling pup just a few days old,a tuff of orange hair peaking out from under a white blanket. Natsu cried brokenly but it was Tanaka who sobbed loudly into Chikara's shoulder.

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