Chapter 2- Avoiding

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Cyrus's POV
I walked the halls and went to my locker when I heard a voice say "Underdog! Why haven't you been answering my texts?" I suddenly felt nauseous. My heart was beating faster than I could think. It felt like my heart was doing summersaults! I turned around to face him and stuttered "Um...Uh.. I.." And that's when I threw up in the nearest trash can!
I quickly ran to the bathroom. He followed  calling my name. He asked "Are you alright?". He was standing there asking me if I wanted water. I said "Yes please" just so he could leave me alone. I called my dad to come pick me up and told him that I had thrown up. I ran out of the bathroom and went outside. I didn't want to face him!

I asked him if he wanted water and he said yes, so I ran to get him a bottle of water from the water machine. When I got back to the bathroom, he was gone. Why was he avoiding me like this? Was it something I did? Something I said? I was so confused! The only thing that I wasn't confused about was about my feelings for him.

The video above is a Tyrus song that trash covers (YouTube Channel) made. Subscribe to her channel if you want.  If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback comment anytime. Also what day and time is best to post new parts of this story? Comment if you want to answer.

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