Chapter 14- New year's

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Cyrus's POV
Me and TJ were in my room. We were laying on my bed facing each other, with our noses touching. He grabbed my hand and started tracing the lines that ran through it. He kissed my hand. I smiled at the sudden action. "I can't believe it's going to be 2019 in-" he checked his phone for the time and said "five more minutes!" "Yeah. It's so crazy! Time sure does fly by fast. Before you know we'll be in Highschool and then College, and then getting a job" "Yeah and if we're lucky enough, we could be married."

I looked into his eyes, "You've been thinking about it?" I said, surprised. "Yeah." He blushed. "Is it weird?" We both sat up "No, not at all! I've been thinking about it too." I said. It was true, I had been thinking of our future. A lot. "It scares me, Cy" TJ said. "The future. Our future. What if we don't make it together for some reason? I don't think I could ever live without you." I intertwined my fingers in his. "Hey." I said in a soothing voice. "I can't promise that we'll be fine, but we can still hope." "Thanks, Cy." TJ said. Suddenly he looked at his phone. Ten seconds until 2019. We counted down together and as we counted, we looked at each other. "3.....2.....1" and our mouths collided. The fireworks set off outside.

3rd Person POV
As they were kissing, they heard some footsteps. They quickly pulled away. They heard a knock on the door and TJ immediately went to his sleeping bag which was next to Cyrus's bed and pretended to be asleep. Cyrus did the same shutting his eyes, so his parents wouldn't know he was awake. They heard the door creak open and then after a second, close. A few minutes passed and TJ whispered, "Well, that was close!" "Yeah, but it was worth it." Cyrus said. Although, Cyrus couldn't see him, TJ smiled widely and said "Yeah it was." leaning in to kiss him once again.

It was 1AM. They had stayed up talking. TJ talked about Basketball and Cyrus talked about dinosaurs and about his script that he had written in 7th grade. TJ asked him if he still had it, so he can read it. "Really? You want to read it?" TJ was amused by Cyrus's enthusiasm. "Yeah, I really want to." They began searching for it. Half an hour passed and he finally found it! "It's right here!" Cyrus said. They began reading the script, and halfway through it, they fell asleep.

In the morning, they woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. It was Cyrus's mom. "Wake up, sleepyheads!" she yelled. TJ yawned and said "What time is it?" "It's 10:30" TJ groaned, "This is not enough sleep!" He checked through his phone and there was a text from his mom.

Mom: I'm going to pick you up at 12:00.

They still had an hour and thirty minutes to spend, so they decided to go to the swings, after breakfast.

We arrived at the swings. I texted my mom and told her that she could pick me up at the park. I pushed Cyrus, while he was on the swing. He isn't scared to swing high anymore, since the first time I met him.  He isn't afraid of doing a lot of things, since I've met him. And I'm better at math because of him. Buffy didn't have time to tutor me anymore, so she let Cyrus do it. He also helps me be a better person and not be the scary basketball guy that I was. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we make each other better.

Happy New Years everybody! I hope everyone has a really awesome 2019!

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Happy New Years everybody! I hope everyone has a really awesome 2019!

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