Chapter 10- Surprise, surprise

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3rd person POV
Today was their one week-a-versery, so TJ met up with Cyrus at Cyrus's house. They went down to the basement and played ping pong and in the end TJ let Cyrus win. Cyrus was so happy that he rubbed his victory in TJ's face! TJ rolled his eyes and said, "OK, don't get too cocky because I'm going to win the next one! And if I do win, you have to kiss my cheek!" "All right, Lemon Boy! Let's do this!" Cyrus agreed. This time, TJ didn't hold back and he ended up winning the game. TJ smiled widely and said "Pay up" pointing at his cheek. Cyrus pouted and kissed him on the cheek. "Now who's getting cocky?" Cyrus said. TJ rolled his eyes still smiling. "So now what do you want to do?" Cyrus asked. "how about this?" TJ said as he leaned in for a kiss.

I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. I touched his cheek and it was burning up, just like mine. I slowly pulled away. I put my forehead against his and smiled. He smiled back at me. I intertwined my fingers in his and he smiled even more. "What's going on here?" I heard a female voice say. I quickly turned to see who it was and Cyrus's mom was looking at us with wide eyes.

I couldn't read her face. Was she surprised? Disappointed? Happy? I couldn't tell and it was driving me nuts!  But what was more frustrating was that she wasn't talking! It looked like she was thinking about what she was going to say.

"Um...I- I can explain" Cyrus said. "There's no need to explain. I think I know what's going on." his mom said with a smile. We looked at each other and Cyrus said "You do?" "Yes! How long have you two been together?"

Cyrus's POV
She didn't seem mad or disappointed. She seemed.....understanding and happy! I was so relieved! "One week today" I said smiling, "So you really are OK with all of this?" "Yes! I am. I'm so happy for you two! Why didn't you tell me?" She said walking towards us. "I didn't know how to. I was  scared that you wouldn't accept me" "Why wouldn't we? You're our son! We'll accept you no matter what!" She hugged me and said to TJ "Get in here!" TJ obeyed and hugged us. We pulled away and she asked TJ "Have you come out to your parents yet?" "Yes, I have. They were pretty cool with it." "Good." She left the room and I saw TJ smiling at me. "Wow! Your mom is the best!" "I know" I said with a big smile. I turned to look at him and said "Now where were we?" "I think we were right here" he said as he was leaning in.

I kissed his lips, once again. They were soft and warm against mine. I put my hands on behind his neck and let them stay there. "No kissing under my roof!" I heard my mom yell. "Oh come on! It's just a kiss!" I heard my step
dad say. We laughed. I was so glad to see my parents accepting me for who I am.

 I was so glad to see my parents accepting me for who I am

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