Chapter 4- More than a crush

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Cyrus's POV
I didn't know what I was going to do! He was talking to Amber. I couldn't make out what they were saying at all. "What are you going to do now?" Andi said. "I don't know" I replied completely terrified! What if I threw up again? Why did I feel like this? I thought. I never felt like this with Jonah. Maybe this was different. Maybe this was more than a crush!.

Amber's POV
'Hey what's up?" I asked. "I was just going to talk to Cyrus" TJ said "Ya know he's been acting really weird and he threw up when I talked to him yesterday! I think he's been avoiding me but I don't know why!" "Maybe he likes you" I joked. "Yeah right! Like he would ever like me!" He kinda looked sad about it. "Do you like Cyrus?" I sudenly asked. "What? No! I don't like him like that!" I could tell he was lying. "Tell me the truth." I said "Come on I'm your sister!" "OK fine. I like him! You happy? Look, please don't tell him. Don't tell anyone! Please!" he whispered. "OK fine I won't tell anyone!" I exclaimed. "But you have to tell him some day! What if he really does like you and that's why he's been acting all weird?" "That would never happen!" "How would you know?" I asked. "Because I know him! Alright? I would know if he liked me." "Maybe you don't know him well enough!" I exclaimed "It could be a possibility! Just tell him!" I waited for a response "I guess we'll never know!" he finally said, looking sad. "Fine I'll let it go! I've gotta get to work anyways, so bye." We hugged and then I went back to work.

I've never had a crush on a guy. Or even a girl! He's my first crush  I guess I've liked him since the swings. The first time we had a real conversation! I always had this weird feeling around him. Not the bad kind, but the good kind of weird. The kind that gives you butterflies in your stomach. I'm always happy around him. It's like all my problems just go away when I'm with him. Whenever he's not with me, I'm anxious to see him again, to talk to him. Whenever I'm around him, my palms get sweaty, I'm nervous but on the surface I look calm, though I'm really not! My heart starts beating so fast and loud that I always think Cyrus can hear it. I'm always blushing because of the things that he says or does. I get so nervous when I talk to him. But I never avoid him. At least I try not to. At first I was so nervous when I found out that I had feelings for him, but then it was normal. I was so comfortable around him. It was like I could tell him anything! Just not tell him about my crush on him. I don't think he would ever like me like I like him. But this isn't just a crush! This.....was different. Maybe this was more than a crush.

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