Chapter 3- Facing the truth.

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Amber's POV
As usual, I was working at The Spoon. I found Cyrus sitting there all alone with a frown on his face, probably thinking. "The usual? I asked knowing that every time he walks into The Spoon, he orders baby taters and a chocolate milkshake. "No, I'm not really that hungry" he said almost sadly "Why are you all alone? Where's Buffy and Andi? And TJ?" "I just wanna be think." Cyrus said. Now I grew worried. This was a bit unusual for him. I don't know him very well, but my brother talks about him.....A LOT! They're always hanging out too.

"Come on talk to me" I said. He didn't say anything so I replied, "At least tell me what you're upset about!" He rolled his eyes "Fine. TJ. Well I'm not upset at him but" I could see that he was uncomfortable talking about the subject with me, so I just simply said, "It's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but one thing I can tell you is that he really cares about you and he doesn't want to see you get hurt." "How would you know?" "I would know because he's my brother" I simply told him. "He's your brother?" He was obviously shocked to hear the news. "Yeah. He didn't tell you that?" "No! Wow! I would've never guessed that you and TJ were siblings!" He said finally smiling. "Well we are and he's the best baby brother......sometimes! I've gotta get back to work. Hey whatever you're feeling you can work it out with him. I know him. He'll understand" and with that, I left him there thinking about what I had said.

Buffy's POV
Me and Andi walked into The Spoon. We saw Cyrus sitting all alone  "Cyrus! Why have you been acting so weird lately? TJ told me that you threw up and you've been avoiding him for some reason, why?" ''Its nothing" "It's clearly not nothing" I said, "Come on tell us!" It's nothing! I'm fine!" "Look Cyrus you can talk to us about anything! We're not gonna judge you if that's what you're worried about." Buffy said. "Yeah! We're your best friends, Cyrus! Can you tell us what's happening?" Andi replied "Ok fine!" He exclaimed

Cyrus's POV
"The reason that I've been acting all weird and why I threw up is because I have feelings for TJ." I told them. "Woah" they both said in unison. "That's the exact same reaction I had when I realized it!" I told them. "You like TJ! TJ Kippen! One of your best friends!" Buffy said. "Yeah I do." I replied smiling, "Wow that is so weird! I like Amber's brother!" They both stared at me completely confused and amazed at the same time. They laughed "TJ and Amber are siblings?" Buffy asked. "Yeah Amber just told me!" "Wow! Two surprises in one day!" Buffy said. Just then TJ walked in.

Third person POV
Buffy and Andi saw Cyrus's expression change and looked behind them. Oh no! Cyrus thought. Why here? Why now? I can't talk to him! I'm not ready!

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