A Dream

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. That's when Amber barged in. I was confused. "It was a dream?" I asked. "What was?" He thought for a bit. "You and Andi? Me and Cyrus? The wedding? Ringing any bells?" Amber just stared at me weirdly, "What are you talking about?" "I never told him I liked him?" he thought out loud. "You what? Who do you like?" I groaned out loud. It was all a dream! I can't believe it was a stupid dream! It was so realistic! I thought. Ugh great! Why did this have to happen? Just why? I wished I could go back to sleep and continue the dream, but I knew that it wasn't possible. "Who is it?" Amber asked. "It's nothing!" I groaned. "What's wrong?" Amber asked, noticing my bad mood. "I had a dream and it's not real, that's what's wrong!" I nearly screamed. "It must've been a good one to cause you to scream your head off. What was it about?" "Promise you won't laugh?" "Sure" she said. I told her the whole story, even the part where she liked Andi and about the wedding.

By the end of it, she said, "You like Cyrus?? I do not like Andi! She is just a friend. And you even had a wedding?" "I told you it was a wild dream! I just wish it was real." I said sadly. She tried to comfort me, "Hey, don't get all sad, ok? What if he does like you?" "He doesn't." I said. "You haven't asked him have you? So how could you know?" "Because he would never like me!" I said. Amber rolled her eyes, "Just tell him you like him."  "I can't do that. If he doesn't like me, it'd be too awkward to be around him and still be friends with him." Amber rolled his eyes and said, "Ok, do whatever you want, but you should still try."

At the swings:
"Hey, Underdog." I said. "Hey, Teej. I need to tell you something." Cyrus said. I made up my mind and said "I need to tell you something too." "Can I go first and get over with it?" Cyrus said. "Sure, Underdog." He took a deep breath and said, "I like you." I didn't think I heard him right, so I said, "what?" "I like you. I've  liked you for a while now and I'm sorry if I just made things awkward between us. I jus-" I cut him off with a kiss. I backed away, smiled and said, "I like you too. Wow this is so much better than my dream!" I said smiling. "Wait, what?" Cyrus asked. "Nothing!" I quickly said.

Am I the only one who didn't ship Jyrus at all when Cyrus came out?
Sorry for saying last chapter was the last chapter. NOW I'm done with this story! Thank all of you for reading this story! I'm still going to write "Andi Mack Prompts" so if you haven't read any of the prompts yet, you can check it out. Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted another chapter of "A Tyrus and Muffy Fanfiction." I don't really know how to continue with it.

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