Chapter 9- Coming out

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3rd person POV
After he had come up to his room, TJ found Cyrus asleep in his bed. He smiled at him as he put a blanket on him. He decided to go to sleep as well, so he put a sleeping bag on the floor and slept there.

Cyrus woke up in the morning. He checked the clock and it was 8AM. It was a Saturday, so he didn't have to worry about oversleeping. He saw TJ peacefully sleeping on the floor. Just then, TJ's mom knocked on the door and opened it. She saw Cyrus was awake and whispered "Cyrus, your mom called me and told me she was going to come pick you up at 12." "Thank you, Mrs. Kippen" Cyrus politely said. She closed the door and Cyrus tried to go back to sleep. Thirty minutes passed and he couldn't, so he decided to go to the bathroom.

TJ woke up and saw that Cyrus wasn't in his bed. Just then, he walked in. TJ stood up and said "Morning Underdog. Did you sleep well?" "Yeah I did. Did you?" TJ kissed his forehead and then said "Yes I did."

They still had four more hours to spend, so they spent it playing video games, watching movies, talking, and, drawing. "What's your real name? I was just wondering." Cyrus asked TJ. "I'm not telling you" "Please TJ! I'll tell you anything about me!" "OK fine." TJ said. "Who was your first crush?" "I asked you first!." "You really want to know my name that badly don't you?"  Cyrus nodded "OK I'll tell you my real name, but nobody else other than my family knows, ok? So you have to keep it a secret." "OK got it." "My name is Tyler Joseph" Cyrus smiled and said "Tyler Joseph Kippen! That is so cute!" "Yeah, sure whatever, so who was your first crush?" Cyrus sighed and said "Jonah" TJ started laughing and said "Jonah Beck? Docious Magocious Jonah? Wow!" Cyrus rolled his eyes and said "Hey! I didn't laugh at your name!" "OK, fine, I'll stop laughing"

It was twelve in the afternoon and Cyrus's mom came to pick him up. TJ and Cyrus said their goodbyes and he left.

"Hey. You have fun with Cyrus?" TJ's mom asked after he had left "Yeah." As he was drinking some water, she said "Do you like him?" he almost choked. "What?" she ignored his question and said  "You like him. I can see it! Your eyes light up when he's with you! There's no denying that, TJ!" "Your mother's right! If you like him ask him out. Don't hold back!" his dad said. "Wait are you serious?" He was relieved. Before all of this, he didn't know if they were going to accept him, but knowing that they were was the best feeling ever! "Yes we are" said TJ's mom. "We just want you to be happy and if Cyrus makes you happy, then we're OK with you two dating." Said the dad. "Well, we're kind of already dating." he said slowly. "What? And you kept it a secret?" TJ's mom said. " I didn't know how you were going to react! I'm sorry." the boy said. "It's OK. How long?" "It's going to be a week in 2 days." "At least it's not that long. But you have to tell us this stuff!" the mom said. "Then, I should probably tell you that we kissed yesterday." "What?" replied the mom. "It was only one kiss, I swear! Ok maybe two, but that's it!" "I suppose it's OK." The dad said. "Dan!" the mom said. "What?" "Ok fine you can get away with this, but no kissing while we're around! Got it?" said the mom. TJ smiled and said "Got it!"

I had told Amber about everything that had happened with Cyrus to my parents knowing I had a crush on him. She was really happy for me! It was awesome knowing that I had a supportive family!

When I got to school, I saw Cyrus at his locker. "Hey, boyfriend." He smiled "Hey, what's up?" "Oh nothing major. I just came out to my parents but other than that..' "Wait what??? You came out?" He said with the biggest smile. "Well not really." I began saying, "They suspected that I had a crush on you and they told me that I should ask you out if I liked you. And then I told them about us already dating and about our kiss." "How did they react?" Cyrus asked. "Well my dad was calmer than my mom. Way calmer! My mom flipped out when I told them about the kiss. But they're happy for me." "I'm glad they are." said Cyrus. "So, when are you going to come out to your parents?" "I don't really know. I know I have to, but it's just too terrifying to even think about!" I took his hand and said "I'll be there for you, when you do. You're not alone." I said. "Thank you, TJ" he said as he hugged me. I didn't want to pull away just yet, but the bell had just rung, so we had to go to class.

 I didn't want to pull away just yet, but the bell had just rung, so we had to go to class

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