Chapter Thirty

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Manic's POV

"So what were some of the things that you liked about Scourge?" He asked as he sat back down on the couch.

I looked up at him and replied, "It's a funny story, but it may just be funny to me."


Scourge and I had just moved in together. We weren't that serious yet, but his landlord did kick him out. I let him-

Interruption of Flashback

"Didn't you move into Scourge's house?"

"...Yes, but that happened later. That was a story for another day. Now to answer your question."

Continuation of Flashback

Scourge and I were moving some of his furniture into the house. He didn't care if I helped or not, but he was taking very specific items out first. These were very heavy, and if I asked if he needed help, he said, "No, the king is strong for his queen."

Then I went to pick up one box that had very had some weights inside them. I didn't know because he refused to label the boxes. Anyway, I didn't expect to drop the box after I picked it up. I moved my foot but my toe got crushed. I had let out something between a yelp and a yell and got the box off my toe. Scourge ran in and assessed the situation. I told him I was going to go inside and take a break. When I moved my leg though I had to stop and limp because of the pain. I was then scooped up and taken inside the house. He put me on my bed and asked if I needed anything. He could be so caring sometimes but also very lazy in a funny way.

For the next few months the box of weights sat in the closet, untouched, because he "wouldn't associate with anything that hurt his queen."

End of Flashback

He then asked me more questions about my relationship. "Did Scourge only call you queen?"

"No, I had a few other nicknames. He just used queen when he felt strong or cocky."

"Did you train him in any way to be better boyfriend?"

"Well I made him drink less, and by that I mean like once a year. He gets very horny while drunk and he's very strong so he can get angry and kind of scary."

"Did he ever hit you or physically abuse you?"

"No," I answered instantly. "He never forced me into anything or used his strength against me. He just whined sometimes or just gave up."

"Sometimes when I hung around Scourge he would act like a toddler, was he like that with you?"

"No, he was just impulsive and he wouldn't tell me everything. But he was never a cheater. The only time I think I saw him throw a tantrum was when he got stupid and got arrested. He called me at three in the morning. I told him I wasn't going to pick him up until later in the morning and he was miffed. When I got there though after a hug he was fine."

"Did he like hugs?" Mephiles asked clearly surprised.

"Yea, why?"

"He doesn't like to be touched in general."

"Well as his ex I can confidently say only I was allowed to touch the...Anyway, we had a happy relationship until that fight."

"Did you fight before?"

"Yes, no couple is perfect. Whoever's fault it was though, they would end up apologizing later by swallowing their pride. Then we would make up and things would be better."

"How long have you two been together?"

"We were together for three years."

"Then why couldn't you make up after this fight?" He asked very seriously.

It took me a few moments to answer. His serious face stared at me and looked for answers before I could say them. "I don't want to hear what he has to say."

"Why not?"

"I just don't think I could..."



He spoke up and asked, "After all that time with him. You don't want to hear what his reason was for the sudden change? It's very suspicious of him. If it were me-" "Well it wasn't you!"

I sighed and told him a softer tone. "I don't want to hear him say he doesn't love me anymore." Uncontrollable tears started to swell in my eyes. "He was the best boyfriend I ever had and hearing that he just doesn't love would crush me into a much sadder hole. I miss him but I want him to come get me. The one who used to take me out every week, the one would always get excited to see me at his work, the one who would protect me no matter what happened. Even though I'm sure he's gone I don't want to hear it from the Scourge I know now."

"Do you know what could have caused it? And you said he had a job, I thought you and him were street theives."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," I said getting up and going outside to the garden he built for Shadow. I didn't want to, but I sat in the gazebo and cried until it got dark and cold. Then I was just as numb on the outside as I was on the inside.

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