Chapter 17: Surprise

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"Hey Gold? Sally? Are you guys in here?"

"What's up?" Gold piped up, a feather boa around his shoulders while Sally slathered his face in play makeup. Jeff looked just as fabulous, Skin Taker's hat on his head while there was red lipstick smeared across his whole cheek.

"Awesome, just who I need!" I closed the door behind me, grinning devilishly, "I want to throw Bat a birthday party."

"A what now?" Jeff snorted, still holding a teacup, "why?"

"I want to show her how good it is here," I told him as I took a seat at the table, "it's not until Wednesday, but I was thinking we could surprise her after school tomorrow."

"Honestly? Count me in," Gold nodded, Brother cooing in his lap while he patted its head, "everyone's so bored around here, it'd give us something to do."

"Can we put up decorations?!" Sally squealed, already reaching for the paper and scissors.

"Why not? We can put up little snowflakes and stuff," I added excitedly, "I know Slender's got Masky and Toby out there looking for a good tree for Christmas."

"Again, why for her though?" Jeff interrupted, a nasty note to his voice. "I don't know about you guys but she's been nothing but rude to me. She also knew...a little too much about me for my own comfort."

"That's because Maven knows us," Gold piped up, "she's like a walking encyclopedia of all our histories. It's kind of cool actually."

"Who's Maven?" Jeff raised an eyebrow somewhat awkwardly.

"Bathory's shadow," I told him, "what, haven't you seen her?"

"No, I didn't even know that kid had a shadow, I've certainly never seen one."

"That's because Maven likes to roam," Sally giggled, just as Lacy came bursting through the door with the mangy cat Bathory had brought into the house with her. The thing went straight for Brother and the two began to tussle playfully, running around the playroom while we all watched, "Lacy, want to help me decorate for Batty's birthday?"

"Yeah, are you kidding?! How old is she gonna be?" Lacy's eyes widened in glee.

"Eighteen," Sally grinned, "we've got to go tell Laughing Jack to make her a cake!"

"Let's do red velvet this time," Lacy grabbed Sally's hand and the girls ran out of the room, leaving the three of us alone while the animals continued to tussle on the floor.

"What the fuck just happened?" Jeff set his cup down, looking around wildly. Gold started laughing and I realized they hadn't really noticed the other as they were both covered in makeup.

"I have no idea, but I'm going to go wash all of this off and then I'm going to see what I can do to help," Gold snatched Brother up before walking out of the room, leaving Jeff and I to just stare at each other like idiots.

"Nice lipstick."

"Bite me, fuckwad."


Ben followed me down to my room while I washed the lipstick off in my sink, flicking water at him before grabbing a towel. He shook his hat off while we walked back out into the hall, finding that Sally had made it to Slender with her proposition and it seemed like he was on board with the party after all. Great.

"Ben," I sighed, leaning on the railing, "do you have any idea why that chick is always PMS-ing? Like seriously, and I thought Rouge was bad."

"She's only ever been nice to us," he shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure why she doesn't like you. Maybe it's because you guys have a lot in common."

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