Chapter 47: Scared of losing

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I woke up Monday morning with my face buried in my pillow with a pool of drool, having slept soundly for the first time in weeks; when I propped myself up I saw that I wasn't alone, a head of inky black hair on my other pillow as he snored. There was a small smile on my face while I snuggled into my blankets, watching him and remembering how he'd gotten here.

It had to have been past midnight, and I of course, was still awake. The knock on my door distracted me though and I was a little surprised to see Jeff there, his eyes bloodshot and his breathing heavy. I could smell the lingering fear as it rolled off of him in waves.

"I-I'm sorry to bug you this late," he whispered with labored breaths, "I keep having nightmares a-and I just...I don't want to be alone..."

"Easy," I pulled him inside, closing the door behind him before letting him climb onto the bed beside me. Normally I would've thought this was a ploy to get me naked but I could tell from the tension in his shoulders and the deep purple rings beneath his eyes that he was genuinely upset, "what were you dreaming about, if you don't mind me asking?"

" family..." he buried his head in his hands, his legs crossed beneath him, "I always get dreams about them coming back to haunt me. I mean, I don't regret what I did, not exactly, but...they're always so angry. Liu's never been angry with me and he's just so vicious in my dreams, it scares the hell out of me that he's going to be there when I wake up and do the same thing to me that I did to him."

"Oh, baby," I muttered, wrapping my arms around him from behind; he seemed to tense at my touch but when I rested my head on his spine he gripped my hands, his lips pressed to my knuckles while his breathing eased.

"Thank you," Jeff said gently, "I don't know why I'm acting up so bad lately. I think...I think it's because there's finally something I'm scared of losing."

My heart skipped a beat in my chest as the words bounced around in my head; I had to bite my lip to keep from letting my eyes tear up and instead I buried my face in his back, holding him just a little tighter. Jeff started humming that stupid little song again and I would've laughed had he not started to stutter, his breathing growing deeper and eventually he silenced, letting me guide him back down against the pillows while he slept. I knew why he wore the mask, but still, it was a little interesting to watch; he stared at the ceiling, unblinking, but sleeping all the same. I didn't have the heart to kick him out so I just grabbed my blankets and cozied up next to him.

Even now I couldn't help myself from curling up beside him; I lifted the blankets and shuffled closer, snaking an arm around his chest while I tucked myself against him. Jeff's breathing stuttered for a few seconds before he shifted, rolling over to wrap his arm around me and let me use his chest as a pillow. I desperately wanted to fall back asleep like this but it seemed that fate had other ideas.

"Hey Batty?" We both flinched as Ben knocked on the door, "have you seen Jeff?"

"I'm in here Ben," Jeff groaned, the door flying open seconds later as Ben stumbled in. I just glared at him, stiffening as I watched a knife whip across the room and stick in the opposite wall; it may not have been his knife, but he was just as good at throwing mine.


"Now get the fuck out!" He pointed to the door, my giggles muffled by the blankets as Ben scowled on his way out.

"I found him guys!" He called down the hallway, slamming my door behind him and giving us a couple minutes to relax.

"Nice shot," I mumbled, snuggling up close to him.

"I missed."

I burst into laughter, feeling his arms tighten around me as he grinned. Jeff shifted and suddenly he was hovering over me, dark hair tickling my face until I reached up and tucked it back.

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