Chapter 28: Christmas

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"You have no training, and this right here proves you are not ready for the field," Slender sighed as he watched the Doctor bandage my arm up.

"So when can I start getting ready?" I asked, staring at the backs of my eyelids as I rested.

"If you'd like to start training," I heard him sigh again, "I guess we can start you off this weekend; but not a day sooner, you need some time to heal."

"Doesn't healing take weeks, not days?"

"You're not human. Next time you feed, you'll be good as new," he paused, "if you're feeling well enough, I'm sure Jeff would gladly take you out."

"I can take her," Steven said.

"No," I pretty much snapped. I did my best to fix it though, "I-I don't want you to see me like that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He snorted.

"Jeff's already seen me feed. I'd rather keep it that way," I distracted myself as I looked over at Sally, the girl sleeping on one of the cots next to me.

"Is it really that bad?"

"I'm a messy eater," I whispered, feeling Maven squeeze my hand gently. She brushed back Sally's hair as well, placing a small kiss on the girls forehead.

"What is that?" Steven asked, his eyes round as he stared at Maven.

"Steven, this is my shadow Maven, Maven, this is Steven."

"Pleasure to meet you, Steven." Maven purred, winking at the boy. He seemed to choke up for a second before replying.

"That's cool as all hell."

"Bathory, you and Steven may join the others if you'd like," Slender said as he was walking around the room, "just be careful on your feet and don't over exert yourselves, you both have concussions."

"Will do," Steven stood up, grabbing my mask and handing it to me. I pulled it on, waking up Sally as neither I nor Steven could do much at the moment. She scampered out ahead of us while Steven let me lean on him for support, doing my best to keep the pained noises to a minimal as we walked.

The moment we stepped out of the infirmary we were met with a bustling scene; everyone was handing each other presents, both big and small, with smiling faces and warm hugs all around. I watched as Skin Taker walked up to Sally, handing her a little box with a white lace bow inside. She squealed and let him place it in her hair, and I smiled as she went around to show it off.

"So Bathory," I heard Steven say from beside me, a mischievous hint in his tone, "what's your favorite type of Pokemon?"

"I don't know, there's a special place in my heart for all of them," I responded, a little smirk on my lips, "why ask?"

"Curiosity," he chuckled, "what generation?"

"I can't give an exact one, but I like one through four the best," I sighed, "I really miss playing in Sinnoh."

"I think I might have something for you then."

Steven reached to his side, pulling a miniature version of a pokeball out of his pocket. He held it out to me and I took it in my hands, running my thumb over the button on the center, watching as the pokeball grew to a normal size. Without a second of hesitation I threw it up in the air, watching it open before a red glow formed in the air in front of me. Out came a pinkish bat with blue wings, bouncing on a scorpion-esque tail and snipping claws of the same nature.

"Gligar!" The creature called, looking right at me with a happy smile. I wanted to squeal as I limped forward, holding out my hand as it pressed its head against my palm.

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