Chapter 75: Sacrifices

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I held Bathory's hand tightly the entire way down to the foyer, the lights dim and the room filled with whoops and cheers of either victory or defeat. My heart was still ringing in my ears after watching that whole scene, the pure, animalistic fear in Bathory's scream bouncing off the walls of my skull. She thought she was about to die.

Most of the residents had gathered in the foyer, including the proxies and ones who didn't want to participate in the game. Slender was standing by the door again while a large shadow gathered by his feet, the Midnight Man waiting for the crowd to settle before making his appearance.

"Ah, Jeffrey!" Slender caught my attention, "can you run and flip the breaker downstairs?"

"Sure," I nodded, pecking Bathory's cheek before jogging over to the door to the weight room, "be right back!"

The whole place was freezing as I descended the steps, the darkness the only thing down here to greet me; that was, until I actually flipped the breaker and the room was flooded with a dim light, two very surprised, very naked members of the house inside a salt circle in the corner of the room. Veronica was perched on Eyeless' hips and I cackled the moment she screeched, Eyeless throwing his hoodie over her but not until after I'd already seen everything.


"Maybe next time don't fuck while we're playing a game!" I roared, "party's moved upstairs, Midnight Man has a very important announcement and it would be nice if we had the whole house there to hear."

"We get it!" I heard lightning crackle as Veronica snapped at me, doing her best to tug his hoodie on and cover herself. I raced back up the stairs and was met with a few curious glances while I chuckled, joining Bathory again while she eyed me suspiciously.

"What are you so chipper about?"

"You'll see in about ten seconds."

As if on cue, ten seconds later, Eyeless and Veronica came bursting out the door as quietly as they could; she was still wearing his hoodie and he was in jeans and his T-shirt, both of them with messy hair and dark marks around their necks. Bathory's jaw dropped and she looked back up at me, mirth in her eyes while I held back more laughter.

"No way," she giggled deviously, throwing Veronica a teasing glance while the other girl shot an electrifying glare back.

"Now that we're all settled," Slender's voice boomed above the noise, calming everyone and gathering their attention, "I would like you all to meet the entity that has entered our home tonight; this is the Midnight Man, a very, very old friend."

"Thank you for the warm welcome," he pulled himself up beside Slender, "you may all simply call me Midnight, it is a pleasure to be back for the first time in centuries."

"You look like Maven!" Sally called out, staring up at him with wide eyes, "you're a Shade?"

"I am," he nodded, "it appears I was summoned here tonight because our other dear friend Zalgo has gotten out of control."

"That's one way to put it," Gold snorted, earning a sharp elbow from Ally.

"Midnight, I found the book that we thought was lost to the fires of Alexandria," Slender started, "and there was a page torn from it bearing a weapon, one that could kill Zalgo. You know more about him than anyone living or dead, and we would vastly appreciate the help."

"Oh? The weapon you speak of, it is a sword, yes?" He asked, all of us listening in raptured silence.

"I believe so," Slender produced the page, showing it to the Shade with care.

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