Chapter 29: Goodbye

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I walked out of my room, my eyes bloodshot and exhausted as I looked through my goggles. I didn't even bother putting my contacts in, they were useless to me now. Although I was hoping to sneak through the mansion unnoticed I ended up running into Eyeless Jack, startling the both of us as I quite literally bumped into him by accident.

"Oh, excuse me," I laughed uneasily; my stomach was churning with anxiety.

"You're fine," he smiled, "are you leaving?"

"I need to go talk to someone," I paused, "I realized after last night the people I care about are in danger. It's best for them if...if I stop caring."

"Normally I'd tell you to stay in and wait until tomorrow," he started, "but I can tell this is urgent."

"Thank you," I sighed, "you can't tell anyone, only Slender if he asks. I don't need anyone trying to find me, I promise I'll be home before sunup."

"Done," Eyeless nodded, "stay safe."

I nodded, taking off through the door and leaving the house behind as I ran into the forest. Everything was dark and cold, cold enough for me to feel it; I felt the static again but it wasn't going to overwhelm me. Maven was by my side the whole time, concern behind placid eyes as we walked by my old house. My feet took me on the course to the house with the cobblestone pillars, all the lights off as I circled it. I just had to be sure there was no one waiting for me out here.

There was a portion of the roof below Owen's window, something that was easy to mount with Maven's help. Luckily it looked like he was sleeping and I was able to jiggle the glass to the side, slipping inside with Maven's help again. I couldn't help but notice she stayed outside, giving me a nod before she closed the window and gave me some privacy. My gaze swept back over to Owen, his shirtless figure turned towards me as he slept soundly. I wanted to cry just looking at him but instead I pulled my mask down, the scent of his blood washing over me; he was O positive. So different yet so common.

"Owen," I whispered, approaching him slowly before I reached out, brushing a strand of his curls out of his face. He cracked a smile in his sleep but his eyes opened enough to take in the person staring at him. I had my mask and my goggles on for a reason and I knew it was going to scare him, but the moment he jumped up from his sheets I wrapped a hand around his mouth and tried to be as quiet as possible.

"What the fuck-!"

"It's me," I stated quickly, the recognition in his features a relief, "I know, I look weird, and I snuck into your house, but I needed to talk to you."

"What the hell's going on?" He wheezed as I took my hand away, "why are you wearing a mask? Couldn't you have just called me?"

"No," I told him as I backed up, pulling the goggles off of my head; I looked at him with my real eyes and he seemed to do a double take, "I have a lot I need to tell you."

"Are you wearing contacts?"

"Funny enough, these aren't my contacts," I laughed darkly, "the black-brown color was."

Owen realized something big was going on and he nodded, "what...what do you need to tell me?"

"The first thing is that no one can know I was here tonight," I expressed, and he nodded, "the second...I'm not sure where to start."

"Just...the beginning."

"Okay," I nodded, taking a seat in his desk chair, "about a month ago I started to have problems; I was seeing static and my head was pounding, I was having hunger pains like never before; the final nail in the preverbal coffin was when I started puking up black tar. I was sick and wasting away and I was sure I was going to die."

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