Chapter 36: Revenge

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I hadn't slept that whole night, the early morning rays of the sun shining through the blinds. My face was still warm but the alcohol had faded, leaving me stewing in my own emotions while I was painfully and tiredly sober. I still felt the pressure of her lips against mine and I traced them with my fingertips.

Once it hit seven I decided I couldn't lay in bed anymore and I tossed my blankets aside before pulling on my jeans, snagging my hoodie on the way out the door and tugging it over my head. I was a little surprised to see a few people still awake downstairs, or just waking up, but either way they were tired and groggy; I saw Ben waltzing out of the kitchen and before he could get far I put him in a headlock, listening as he choked.

"Tap out, tap out!" He wheezed, slapping my thigh before I dropped him.

"You are the biggest little asshole on planet Earth, you know that?" I pointed a finger at him, watching as he broke into a massive grin.

"How was the kiss? Just like you imagined?"

I scowled for a moment before answering, "she tasted like whiskey."

"Hey, blame Toby, it was his idea to ambush you guys," he shrugged before slipping away from me, "you're welcome though!"

I huffed for a minute as I walked into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and grabbing the glass mason jar that was starting to refill with cash before snatching a ten out of it; I knew it was Sonic's from when he lost the brawl match last and Sally caught him mid-rant. Judge Angels was walking past me on my way out the door, her hair freshly cut to her chin, much like Bathory's.

"Where are you off to so early?" She asked, holding the door open.

"I need to go walk around," I told her, "think a little."

"Not bringing Bat?"

"I'm letting her sleep," I tossed a smile over my shoulder before I shuffled outside, heading to the woods before a proxy could see me and shoving my hands in my pocket while I walked.

It didn't take long for the winds to shift but I realized I'd came out nearby the dumpster where we stashed that poor guys body; I knew I was on track and I pulled up my hood, shielding my face from anyone who didn't look directly at me. The freezing wind made my eyes itch and I did everything in my ability not to just rip them out of my head because of the feeling. Maybe goggles like Bathory's would be a good fuckin' investment.

Soon enough I'd stumbled upon a school, one that was closed for the holiday and empty of students and staff; the coffee stand across from it, however, was just opening for business. A cute blonde on the other side of the glass smiled at me as I walked up to the window, an unreserved grin on her face that made me feel a little more at ease.

"Good mornin' handsome, what can I get started for you today?" She laughed, my face flushing with color.

"I think it's a white chocolate mocha, with toffee flavoring," I racked my brain for the recipe and she raised a curious eyebrow.

"Buying for someone else?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "she went a little too hard last night, figured I'd get her something to make her feel better."

"Looks like you both did, with all that makeup on," the girl snickered, referring to my scars, "I think she came by earlier this week. Shorter, gray hair, real pretty eyes?"

"That would be Batty," I chuckled, watching the smile on her face turn sweet.

"She's a real nice girl, make sure you treat her well," she handed me the cup with a gentle gleam in her eyes, "not that you aren't doing a good job in the first place."

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