Chapter 16:The Block

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I woke up early because, frankly, I was excited.Mind Talk was great, and everything but I seriously needed help.I could never unleash my full powers, and I had no idea it would happen.I fought with only some part of my ability.I had thought maybe it was because I wasn't motivated but I was thinking how much I liked fighting with Chris.I liked dueling and proving my projection ability.So I got ready and read the book.I had to admit this was the only book I read with so much zeal.The chapter on Effective Blocking was only a page.But it had information about the proper way to concentrate.I tried splitting my focus on two objects because frankly it worked well.It was hard to concentrate on something else when I was paying attention to my direct problem.It was kind of easy when I managed to distract Chris because he had not thought of that scenario.But now he knew that I would actively try to divert him and he would be prepared for that.

I was sitting in the back as usual with Lexie and she was writing something which was totally unrelated to our Basic Projections class.I was about to ask her when I saw the intense look of concentration on her face.It was better if I kept quiet and took notes.At the end of the class,I gave her the notes I had written for her.
"What's This?"She frowned.
"You weren't listening, so I wrote them for you.You wouldn't have to worry later when you read for Midterms."I answered her.
"Thank you.You are a lifesaver.I had an assignment on Special Plants, and I'm worried because I only catalogued 8 out of 10.Its not like I had to do all 10.Doing 5 was enough for my assignment."
Now that I knew the reason,I could see how much stressed she was.
"You know what 8 out of 10 is pretty impressive job.Why are you worried about the other two?You still have time right?"I asked confused.
"I have time, but the last two,they are tricky.I have been searching without any results.I mean I understand what to do when I'm researching any plant.But I don't understand the energy and time spells."
Energy and time spells.That was weird.I never heard of those.Yeah,that made me someone who did not have Plants as speciality.
"But you said that you didn't need to complete all 10 in the study."
"Yeah.But the last two are just bugging me.Because no one took them,I was intrigued to find out more.Now I understood why nobody wanted to deal about these plants.Who would want to spend time reading in the library and doing experiments when they could submit analysis on the plants already known."
She shrugged.What she said made sense.But I liked the fact that she did not back down and took the easy way out.
"You will figure it out soon.Don't worry.You did an impressive job.Maybe I can help."
She smiled.
"It would be great."

I was on my way to my Specialisation Class.Well, it would be eventful.Chris was calm in all our shared classes unlike me.I was excited and a not nervous because I did not know what to expect.Sure he was good at projections.But that didn't mean I would lose.With that in mind,I entered the room.
I was the first one here and I waited for the brothers to arrive.Both arrived at the same time from opposite directions, out of breath at the opposite doors.It was very funny to see their faces.They were not late.
Carl took a deep breath and asked us to sit.
"Remember you don't have to hurt each other.Aria just break Chris's block.And then we can do the next thing."
We nodded and stood facing each other.This time we stood fifteen feet away and Carl pushed all the chairs aside.
I saw Chris closing his eyes for a moment.I immediately knew his block was in place.Now it was my turn.I decided to check the extent of his protective layer.Knowing him,he would not make a sphere around himself bit an invisible wall.I pushed against the wall with a force field, and his wall made me stumble.It was a solid manoeuvre.I pushed again with more force and kept increasing its power.He did not even move an inch, but I could see him straining.
With a glint in his eye,he changed the tactic, and I understood it a split second later.He morphed the wall as a sphere around him.It made my force field off balance.The sphere gave him an advantage.Now I understood why he started with a wall.That way,I wasted my energy, and I would get easily tired with the sphere.
I had to think fast.I understood that if I used my energy as a continuous force field it would drain me.I got an idea.I sent the force field towards him in bursts.He smirked.He knew how I thought, but I was unpredictable.
I knew I was trying a foolish move.I sent continuous bursts at him, and he was predicting where I would hit him. I used my right hand to send continuous bursts at his foot, and I kept moving my left hand.I could feel his block weakening.
I would have broken the block if he had not sent his own retaliative force pulse.Now that was multitasking.I sensed it and moved slightly to the left and missed it.I engaged the other pulses coming my way and it was like stopping a dam before it burst.We were over exerting ourselves and our opposite force fields were not helping either.We were on the verge of plastic ourselves off our feet again.
And we got pushed back and fell.It was similar to how I felt after The Transport.At least this would be a tie.
"Great job,guys."
I got up and saw Chris doing the same.
"Well,Aria,you did manage to break his block for a really small amount of time.It is so possibility you could have got through but you,Chris handled the reverse attack very well.I guess, both of you did your job well."
I broke his block, and I did not find that out because Chris had turned the odds against me in a blink of the eye.Overall it was good but my pride was hurt.
"So we will go through this in the next class, and you can try the Mind Talk."
I was so exhausted that I could not reply.
"On a totally unrelated note,we are visiting the Archives next week."

Author's note:

First, thank you Angelinacolbe for the beautiful cover.It is awesome.
And second,thank you everyone for reading and voting this.
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