Chapter 20:Time Shifter

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The journals weren't as very dusty as I expected.But still they were in plain sight.I just couldn't believe Savir would be so forthcoming with information.If he had something in mind,like world domination,he would not be leaving evidence behind.Because the journals were evidence.Granted he thought we were about to die,in his opinion,he must have thought it wouldn't matter.Or he was tricking us in a false sense of security.

I still remember the stuff about Dark Projectors, and I didn't believe that Samey would do that to his sister.It definitely looked like Savir had manipulated the situation.And the stuff about Dark Projectors would also be promoted by him.Because he wanted people to overthrow the royal family.All the Dark Projectors were his followers and not Samey's.

The journals were all about the royal election and how Sameyra won.It did mention how both siblings competed against themselves for everything.They were loved by everyone,and this made it real hard to choose.In the end Sameyra won.I could see why Savir was angry and bitter.

Then I found a diary.It looked normal but did not open.Of course,it wouldn't.If it was a personal diary,it would open with a password signature magic.It was good we still had our backpacks because I thought Best Kind Of Projections would certainly help.

"You brought that book here?"  Chris asked.

"Yeah.Like you brought the stone."

I searched for some unlocking magic and I didn't find anything.It looked like the book was done playing it's tricks.And now I was stranded without it's help.

"Let's take this diary with us.Seeing his massive collection,he would never miss this."I said lifting the diary.

"He will miss it if it's super important to him."

"Let's hope it isn't that important to him."

I put it in my backpack along with my not so helpful book.

"We are facing an uncertain future and you are focused on stealing this diary or whatever it is?"

"I am borrowing it.There's a difference."

He gave me a pointed look which he reserved for whenever I was being unreasonable.I was unreasonable most of the times, and it had no effect on me.

"Regarding our uncertain future,I am not dwelling on that.I think it would be better if we think of an escape plan."

He seemed lost in his own thoughts for a moment.Given his fast response,he was surely thinking about how we entered this world.Or whatever world Savir lived in.

 "How do you think,we came here?"

"The stone must have acted as a beacon to the portal he created."

"Yeah.But what portal?"

"Did he create it?Or was it present here all along?Why would he take us from the Archives?It would have been any other place.Or is it because he preplanned all this?"

"There is some connection between him and this place.It wouldn't have been this easy if he had chosen some other place.We did not even realise that we were crossing over till it was so late."

"We can find a way out once we know the way in."

The place was amazing.I would have admitted it if I wasn't a captive here.The rooms had beautiful decor, and the gardens were breathtaking.I was scouring the place looking for some change in magic.Even a minute drop in magic energy could be my salvation.I had left Chris inside and he was looking through all books and rooms I hadn't checked.It would be a lucky circumstance if one of us found something.

I returned hoping Chris found something but something different was waiting for me.

"Finished your round,Princess?"

Savir was back, and Chris was standing in a corner.I wondered what they talked before my return.

"Nothing much to See here?"

I shrugged.He laughed.

"You won't find any break in the barrier,Princess.Do you take me for a fool?"

"I think you are a madman."

He smiled now.

"I am honoured that you think so highly of me.I was told something of the same way by my friends."

"They weren't wrong."Chris murmured.

"You amuse me.I miss my friends, but they bought their death upon themselves.Its a pity that you know nothing about them."

"I think you are pretty amazed with yourself for pulling that off."

"You are mistaken.I had nothing to do with that."

"Then who was responsible?" Chris asked.

"I am so shocked, you are asking that,Mind Reader.You are better than that."

"Your opinion means nothing to me."
Something had definitely happened when I was gone.

"Will you tell us or are you done playing your mind games?"

"Calm down,Princess.Sameyra did that.She had an immense power which she used to brainwash everyone and then she couldn't control it.You never wondered why there was no mention of her except a name.She erased almost all memories of her and the political unrest.She could not completely remove her existence.She wasn't God.She was only a Mind Shifter."He shook his head.

Sameyra was a Mind Shifter.She could erase memories.She could erase memories within several kilometre radii.And I could not even make a block.She died so she could prevent people from fighting and dying in a war.A war which was meant to destroy peace and ultimately create an army for a lunatic.

"You realise that your way would only kill people.If everyone wanted to rule,who would do other works.If you give free reign to everyone without any rules,people will start killing each other."

"I don't care all that.I just don't want a royal to rule again.You act all high and mighty,but you don't deserve this.I could rule all of you.I don't care that there would be no order.People would fear me.That would create a new order."

"I felt it was unfair what Sameyra did.She had not right to remove anyone's memories.Compared to what you want to do by corrupting everyone,I think you are greater evil.And I assure You,you will never win."

"As if I would listen to you.Once I control You,you will be the evil people will see.You would do exactly as I wanted and I will then discard you.My vision will come true."

"You will never win,Time Shifter.Manipulating time isn't gonna work for you every time."Chris said calmly.

Time Shifter.That was new for me.How Chris found that out,I did not know.If Savir was a Time Shifter,he could literally make everything stop before I attacked him.All odds were against me.

Author's note:
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