Chapter 18:The Stalker

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"It could be.I mean it's not a coinc...,"Chris stopped talking.

"What's a coinc?"I asked him.

"Where are We?Look around."He totally missed my question.

It was good that he pointed out because I had completely missed the change in our surroundings. It had become darker and somewhat, sinister.It frankly looked, like a haunted spot.This place was completely different from the Archives.

"You sure,we aren't in Narnia?"
"That's ridiculous."

In a way, the situation we were in, was ridiculous.We were wandering in an unknown place without any qualms.At least I was.Chris was as usual,his serious self.

"Then where, do you think, are We?"I asked him.

"Definitely not in the Archives."This wasn't a pleasant thought.

The place seemed to lighten itself and I could see the place.It was a courtyard and the house was magnificent.It seemed like we travelled through a portal without our knowledge.This could turn out,well,into a confrontation.There was someone after us.And this was a perfectly executed plan in action.The surprise element was yet to come any moment.

The courtyard was clean, and the stones matched our Memory Stone.Now we could finally meet our stalker.It was a frightening realisation.

"You see these, right?"Chris asked me.He had a white stone in his hand.Apparently he had picked one from the walk.

"Yeah.I noticed.Its just that I am not prepared to face what was on the other side."

He looked at me.

"Your preparation has nothing to
do with this.You have to go in there whether you are prepared or not.Because you can't keep standing without doing anything."

"You are right.It doesn't mean I am happy doing this."

"Your reluctance is duly noted.Now, Let's go."

"Is "Let's go" your catchphrase from now on?"

He smirked.

"At the rate things are going right now,my catchphrase is "Now,let's go.""

He pushed me forward towards the door.The door had beautiful carvings of waterfalls and forests.It would have made me happy some other time when I was not nervous.I couldn't pay much attention to it before it opened.Great.More magic.We stepped in.The room was large and so bright.It was like entering a room with a hundred suns.This made me shut my eyes and when I opened them,the room had become less bright.It was strange.

"Nice of you to come here."

I was startled and I turned back.There was a man standing in the doorway.He stepped forward.He was as tall as Chris and looked in his thirties.He walked up to us, and I could see his eyes.His blue eyes had an evil glint.

"Who are You?"

"A plausible question,don't you think,Princess?"

I was certain he was our stalker at that moment.

"You children are so hard to keep track of.I was so tired of tracking you."

"Why are you doing this?"Chris asked.

"Let me tell you something about me.I was a good projector.I always studied well and helped everyone.There was a council which had hearing on all decisions.You know whose decisions were favoured?The royals had everything in their hands.No one listened to me.Everyone hailed the prince and the princess.No one thought about the rights of Non Projectors.And then did you know what I did?"

"You decided to change everything?"I piped in.

"Ah,you are right,Princess.I did.It was hard tricking my best friends.Both were clever and frankly,good projectors.They never doubted their best friend.And I had pretty major plans to bring them down.The Queen never doubted me till it was, too, late."

"You were friends with Queen Sameyra and Prince Samay."

"You are right.I am disappointed,that, you realise it now,Mind Reader."

"What did you do?"Chris asked him.

"Simple.I did nothing.They did everything.You know how I listened to them that day.You saw from the stone.Then Samay followed me and found out that his friend was betraying him.He could not fight me to the end, and I knocked him out.The queen though, she found all this and sent a magic wave towards me which I anticipated.Samay bore the brunt of it.Sameyra then understood the rebellion alliance forming in her world.She used all her magic to make a memory wave and erased all memories of her and her brother.No one knows anything about her rule.You know all about that."

"Why did you make us find that note about the queen and her brother?"

"I wanted you to find out, Princess.You could help me now."

"What do you mean?"I whispered.

"I can control everything if I control you."

"Why would I listen to You?And frankly things are different now."

"I'm sick of you royals thinking you are better than all of us and making our decisions."

"By controlling me you are also doing the same.Everyone will be controlled by you.That seems a major flaw in your,oh so perfect,plan."

"I can eliminate all of you in the mean time.I need you in the start,and then you are not at all needed,completely useless to me."

This was the first death threat I
received in my entire life.I was sure I was safe from all this but hearing him say that made me very scared.

"Why me?Why not any other royals?And how are you alive all this time?"

"Because you are a Mind Shifter.You don't know many hidden powers you have.As per me being alive,I am special.I doubt you ever heard of that.This place is doing.I made all of this.Very pretty right?"

"What makes you think no one would search for us?"

He laughed.I was so angry at him.He had the audacity to laugh.

"You dont know how time works here.A second in you world is a day here."He said laughing.

"And no one would assume you were taken."

That was a clever plan and I had no idea how to respond so I was happy to listen when Chris talked.

"And why do you think we won't escape You?"

"You do not know how to fight me."

He was so sure of himself.I always thought no one messed with me because of my status and reading all books made me want to have an enemy.Now that I got one,I wished I never should have wanted an enemy.The villain in my life was so smart that he thought all loopholes and used them to his advantage.It did not mean no one could outsmart him at his own game.

"You are wrong,Savir.We can escape from here."

He smiled at Chris.

"You are good,Mind Reader,good.You know my name.I won't underestimate you in our fight."

Author's note:
Hey everyone.Thank you for reading.I hope you like this chapter.I would be so happy to hear from you.What did you think of the story so far?
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