Chapter 22:The Time Keeper

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Thank you very much Amiracutiepie .You made my day.I hope you like It!


We decided to take one leaf each and use the last one for emergency.Who knows when we would need instant magical energy.It was very useful to not get drained fast of it worked.I hoped it worked.

"I'm gonna just sit here and think for a while.You can check everything for now."

Chris nodded and went to the other side of the room.

I thought of the things I could do to get out of here.I could transport but it was being blocked.I couldn't create a portal for the same reason.I can't run anywhere.The only way to deal this would be knowing how this place worked.If a place like this existed then some rules are being broken in the real world.So I had to find the source of breach to get out of here.

Then suddenly I had a feeling of pain.What if I couldn't get out of here?If I stayed here,it wouldn't be so hard to become a puppet.If he managed to control me,I would betray my parents,my friends, and everyone else.I would become a monster without any conscience.I would become someone I hate.That would be a disaster.I always thought it would be very cool if I became a hero.I had thought I could make my way out of anything and be victorious.Now I thought I faced many tough choices.Because of me,Chris was here.He had no business in all this.He was here because I wanted to research something so badly.I could have let the matter dropped before it became worse.I was so caught up in all this that I never realised I was walking right into a trap.Anyone could have predicted I was doing wrong by thinking The Archives held all answers.I could have told someone the truth.They would have at least prevented me.I wouldn't have stayed put but Chris wouldn't be trapped here.

I looked at him.He was frowning.He must be consumed by his thoughts because he didn't try to read mine.And that was good.I didn't want him to know what I was thinking.I desperately needed help.HELP!!!

Who could help me here?

I prayed for some help to anyone who might be listening.Who was I kidding?No one could hear me.

Where are you?I can't read you anywhere.

I was shocked.Someone spoke to me.
"Chris!"I shouted.
He turned and his expression turned serious when he saw me.

"What's happening?Why are you like this?"
He reached me, and he kneeled on the floor.

"I think someone talked to me in my mind.Am I going crazy?"I whispered.

"What do you mean someone talked to you?What were you thinking then?"

"I was thinking of some help in this situation.Then that happened."

"It would be best if you do that again.Try it again."

"But how?"

"Just think like you are talking to someone like before.You will not know unless you try."

I closed my eyes.

Who are you?

Good.You are still talking to me.I thought something happened to you.

How are you talking to me?

If I am talking to you,you must be a Mind Shifter.I am one of the Keepers.I am a Time Keeper.You are in some different dimension.That's why I received your Mind Talk.

I am using Mind Talk?

Yes.You are.I concluded you were in a different dimension because I received your message and also because I couldn't pinpoint your location.Tell me where are you?And who are you?

I am Aria.I was at the Archives and then suddenly we got transported by a man called Savir

Ah.Him.He escaped us many times.If you want to get out from there,you must break the barrier

But how?I don't know what to do.

His concentration will be divided.He has to maintain the time whirls or else he would come back from his world.It needs his magic constantly.Thats the reason creating a Time alternate is hard.If his concentration wavers from the Time Whirl the illusion will drop and you will get back.I would have helped you, but I don't know where you are.I will get help at The Archives.Stay Strong,Princess.

I was so shocked.But it didn't take me long to explain everything to Chris.He was mostly concerned but he kept his cool unlike me.I was so good at freaking out,I could try to make it my strength.

"It means we must distract him long enough to weaken his hold on magic.Is it possible that this is something which can return us?"

"Well,that Time Keeper said so.And I believe her."

"This isn't any trick,right?"

"I don't think it's a trick."

"You know what this means?"


"Your powers are growing.You Mind Talked.Next you would do something only Mind Shifters can do.Right?"

I hadn't thought about that in all this mind chaos.He was right, but it did not justify my actions.

"See Chris.I wanted to ask you something.Remember that favor.You told me I could ask you something."

"You aren't asking that now.That favor wasn't for this kind of situation, so I could save myself and leave you.I am here because I wanted to be here.Not because you dragged me or something.I'm here because we are friends.We are in this together.If you did not tell me, even then,I would have come.I am sure I would have gotten myself involved ,somehow.So stop over thinking.And I'm not using my power on you.I can understand what you are feeling.I am your best friend.So ,tell me what we are going to do?"

I thought about it.He was right like always but I couldn't help but feel guilty.But still,I had to think fast.

"Thank you.What can we do to distract someone?"

We thought.We thought for so long, and I was getting really frustrated.How can we distract someone who is always prepared for something?Even if it happened randomly.

There it was.RANDOM.

Random attacks wouldn't be expected by Savir.This would be the final fight, if we won,of course.The other outcome,I refused to think about it.It was foolish of me,but I wanted to get out of here.I had to only break his concentration.

It wasn't impossible.

Author's note:

Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for reading.It really means a lot to me.Anyway Mind Shifter is almost done.What do you want to see next?Let me know!😁
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And this is the last chapter of the book in the year 2018 😉

Also thank you so much Hello789101
You are amazing and so awesome❤❤❤

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