~2~ Those Weird Mornings

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3rd person.

"...Shitty-hair?" Bakugou asked uncharacteristically, concerned, placing a hand onto Kirishima's shoulder, Kirishima flinched and just buried his head into his shaking arms, Bakugou sighed and sat up looking at his friend.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked, he got no response it made his eye twitch ever so slightly, but his friend needed to be comforted, he couldn't just yell and get mad at him. Bakugou sighed and pulled Kiri into a hug, after a while Kirishima melted into the hug crying onto Bakugou's shoulder.

Bakugou had no idea on what was going on, he just hugged Kiri, he didn't know how to comfort anyone, he never had to or cared enough about anyone to try to comfort anyone.

His arm felt weird, he looked at his arm the volume icon was muted and flashing he looked at Kirishima then back to his arm. 

'No... it couldn't be him.' he thought and mentally sighed.

"I-I'm sorry." Kirishima choked out.

"Shhh... It's okay." Bakugou hushed rubbing circles onto his friend's back. 

"N-no, I wo-oke you, go back to sleep." he said his voice a bit higher than normal.

"Like hell am I going to simply sleep while you're crying! What kind of person do you think I am?" Bakugou snapped trying not to shout.

"S-s-sorry." Kirishima cried, Bakugou bit his lip and immediately regretted snapping.

"No i'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."

"Wow, you a-apologising? t-that's new." Kirishima laughed slightly and coughed.

"Ha-Ha." Bakugou said slightly shaking his head, a small smile finding it's way onto his face, Kirishima's breathing slowed down but he was still shaking, a few tears still slid down his cheek.

After a few minutes of Bakugou trying to cheer Kirishima up, Kiri stopped crying but was sniffling. Bakugou handed Kirishima an unopened bottle of water letting him take a drink.

"Try get some sleep, I know we where meant to do an all-nighter but whatever." Bakugou whispered softly.

"Okay... T-thank you." Bakugou kept one arm around the red-heads body that was still shaking slightly and lifted the blanket over the two. Bakugou slowly laid back onto the pillow neither of them letting go, Kirishima's head was now on Bakugou's chest, his hair was down because he washed the gel(or hairspray) out of his hair making it fluffy. It would make Bakugou want to sneeze every once in a while.

Bakugou waited for Kirishima to fall asleep first, while he waited he checked the time it was half 1 am, soon enough Kirishima fell asleep, as soon as Bakugou seen that the red head was asleep he started to drift off himself.

(His hair is natural in this)


Time skip to morning.


Sero was the first to wake up by hitting his head off the desk.

"Ow!" He yelped covering his mouth.

"Who da fu..." Kaminari said waking up then falling asleep again, this made Sero chuckle. Stretching his arm and hitting it of the wall again without knowing hit the light switch.

"Again..." he groaned rubbing his arm, he looked around himself confused on where he was. After looking around for a bit taking in his surroundings, as soon as his eyes fell onto the boxing bag he realized he was in Kirishima's room. Sero looked on top of the bed seeing Bakugou and Kirishima sleeping, Bakugou was sorta hugging Kirishima while Kirishima's head lay on Bakugou's chest.

"Denki." Sero said lightly kicking his friend, not taking his eyes off his friends.

"It's muffin time..." Denki mumbled.

"What? No It's time to see something." Sero said kicking him a bit harder.


"Denki!" Sero looked down at him and kicked him harder.

"O-" Denki screeched but it got muffled by Sero's hand.

"Shut up and look at this." Sero lifted the pikachu up and they both looked at their friends.

"Am I still... dreaming?" Denki asked, Sero pinched him.

"Nope you're awake." he said with a grin.

"First you kicked me, now you pinch me? is it a 'hurt Kaminari day' or something?"

"Yes." Sero said as he grabbed his phone, putting in his password and taking a picture, he grabbed Kirishima's phone and did the same, but Kirishima never had a password and made the picture his background.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." Sero grinned, Kaminari nodded his head and look a good thousand photos.

"That's more than needed." Sero pointed out.

"No! Because if Bakugou wants to delete it he'll have to go through every photo."

"No, he'll explode your phone." Kaminari was about to say something stupid back but realized his best friend was right. (fucking friend-zoned)

"Shit you're right..." Kaminari said then put his 'thinking face' on. "I'll just hide my phone!" Kaminari smiled at his own idea.

"You're bad at hiding things, you know the right?" Sero pointed out.

"Why can't you be nice to me for once?" Kaminari whined.

"I'm normally nice to you." Sero sighed.

"Yeah, normally why not now?" Sero just shrugged and sat back on the floor. "Hold me." Kami said dropping onto his friend.

"Jeez, couldn't you have sat down gently?" Sero kind of wheezed.

"You calling me fat?"

"No, nononono! Just you dropped onto me is what I'm saying.."


Sorry had to have Kamisero in this

I'll try update a few times a week not as much at my old book, I did leave that for a few months to think of an ending.

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