~11~ Hiking.

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~Time skip to on hike, Bakugou's pov~

(Finally a fucking point of view)

"Kaminari fried my computer when he was raging at a game, now I have to save up for a new one." Kirishima said as he chuckled, then he looked at me.

"Well I don't trust anyone with my shit so I'm fine."

"But you trust me... Right?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah whatever shitty-hair."

"You're so calm today, it makes me happy and you seem a lot more approachable." Kirishima pointed out and he climbed onto a rock and jumped off it, at least he was entertaining himself.

"Well I don't like to seem approachable, it means people will talk to me." I grunt.

"Well you should smile!"

"You got me calm, that's as much as you're getting."

"But I want to see you smile, not one of the smiles that's like 'I'm going to kill everyone.' but a happy one." I looked at Kirishima with a small smile, then I looked back at where I was going.

"Dude, Smiling suits you!" Kirishima gasped."

"Yeah, whatever, fuck you."

Kirishima was behind me on the trail, I've been hiking ever since I was young, and climbing.

"Slow down for a second!" Kirishima shouted back, groaning I sat on the biggest rock and waited.

"Get your ass up here already." I shouted down to him.

"Finally!" Kirishima smiled, I rolled my eyes.

"You sure did take your time."

"You're just a speed walker!" he complained as I tied my shirt around my waist. (Plaid one)

"Well yeah, we've been hiking a lot I thought you'd have been faster by now." I look up the trail seeing there's still a long way to go and sighed.

"Let's stop and eat something." I mumbled taking the bag off my back and sitting it beside me, grabbing the bread and ham and throwing it over to Kirishima. I layed back on the rock and looked up at the sky and trees, one thing I loved about hiking is that it's calm and peaceful, besides when Kirishima starts random shit. Cute fucking bastard. I felt myself smiling and I hated smiling but it just seemed to be natural.

"Can I carry the bag this time?" Kirishima asked, I lifted my head to look at him.

"No, I'm carrying it this time." I say laying my head back down.


"No and no will always be my answer."

"Fine." Kirishima said and put the stuff back into my bag, we had tinfoil so he wrapped the ham up.

"Let's go." Kirishima said, I groan and sit up.

"You eat so fast yet walk so slow, I don't get it." I mumbled pushing myself off the rock and back into the ground.

I grabbed the bottle of water from my bag an threw the shirt into the bag, I zipped it up and put it in my back again and started walking. I walked slower for Kirishima and for the fact I wanted to confess to him at the top and I'm regretting life choices. The worst part about it is that I know I'm going to be rejected, but I know he's not straight.

"So Bakugou..." Kirishima started, I turn my head to look at him also to show that I was listening.

"Y'know Kaminari and Sero?"

"Of course I do shitty-hair."

"Heh, sorry anyway have you noticed how differently they've acted towards each other?" He asked.

"Who hasn't fucking noticed? This dip-shits need to confess to each other soon." Kirishima looked at me confused and tilted his head, he reminded me of a fucking puppy, HOW FUCKING DARE HE BE SO CUTE, ADORABLE AND HANDSOME!

"You're the idiot who hasn't noticed, fucking hell." I face-plamed. "They like each other, The meme-ers are soulmates."

"Dumb, dumber and dumbest I swear." I added.

"OH! I just thought that the were going to prank us." Kirishima said with a nervous smile as he scratched his nape.

"You're to innocently stupid it's amazing."

"Is that an insult of a compliment?" Kirishima asked confused.


"Thanks then! I think." I let out laugh, not a wheezing laugh but just a simple laugh, Kirishima grinned.

"I've never heard you laugh, I've rarely seen you smile and here we are today, you laughing and smiling." I looked over and Kirishima who looked proud yet surprised.

"Yeah don't expect me to smile and laugh everyday, I'm in a good mood for some fucking reason." I respond trying to get the smile of my face but it just stayed.

"We're here." I announced, Kirishima gasped and walked near the edge, I grabbed his hand missing his wrist and pulled him back as some of the pebbles broke off and rolled down, Kirishima fell onto me. I put my leg behind me to help me get my balance back.

"Jeez, would ya be careful for once?" I mumble, he turned around to look at me. The first thing I notice was that he was blushing.

"I-... Uh th... Thanks." He studders.

"Why the fuck is that cute?" I ask under my breath. Apparently he heard and started blushing more, this time I didn't regret saying it. I smirked at his reaction.

"Your blushing?" I ask in a teasing manner.

"N-no..." Kirishima defended covering his face.

"Uh-huh, sure." I say as I sat on the rock, pulling him down with me.

"I... I want to say something but I'm bad with words and I'll probably end up regretting life." I say looking over to Kirishima. He looked back at me confused. "If you don't like it push away." before he could say or ask anything, I pulled him into a kiss. His lips where soft. He didn't pull away but I was guessing he was shocked.

I was about to pull away but he started kissing back, might be to earily but I licked his lips asking for an entrance he nervously opened his mouth, I explored every bit of his mouth he didn't even fight for dominance. I pulled away from the kiss out of breath, Kirishima did the same.

"I... L-love you Baku." Kirishima panted, I smiled at him and held his hand.

"I love you too, Kiri."



The end?

Also to this who comment with out voting to vote with out commenting I just have a question i'd like answered.

Are my books good?

If so should I continue making Storys?

If so what do you guys think about me making a 3rd bakushima book

Excuse ME?! OVER 700 READS?

The Sound Of You. (Bakugou X Kirishima) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now