~5~ Don't test my strength

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3rd person.

Kirishima was the first to wake up, he tried to sit straight up but a strong arm kept him down.

Kiri tried and tried to move but Bakugou's grip just tightened. Kirishima yawned giving up and laying back down again, using his right arm to hug Bakugou. He didn't want to sleep because he thought he was going to wake someone up, so he kept himself awake with his thoughts.

'Not that much longer to wait.' he thought. Kirishima just stared at the wall and started to think about stuff.

When Kirishima was starting to get bored someone else woke up.

"My back..." They groaned, Kirishima turned himself over, still on Bakugou and looked at whoever was up.

"Oh morning Sero." Kirishima smiled.

"Mornin'" he yawned. "How long where you up for?"

"Uh, don't know I haven't kept track of the time or what time I woke up at." Kiri nervously laughed.

"Ah Okay, when everyone wakes up want to go to the new café or wherever does nice hot drinks?"

"Sure!" Kirishima smiled, Sero smiled back.

"Wait have you seen my phone?" he asked.

"Yeah catch." Sero threw the phone over to Kirishima he just barely caught it.

Once he caught it he turned it in and swiped right. He never had a password because he always forgot the password in the end. The first thing he noticed was the background, his eyes widened as he blushed madly he slowly turned of his phone and put it down not even checking the time.

"That-uh... Uh... How?" Kirishima asked, Sero was on the floor laughing at Kirishima's reaction.

"Your- face..." Sero laughed waking Kaminari by accidentally hitting him again.

"Ow!" Kaminari yelped.

"I didn't- I didn't mean to this time." Sero coughed from laughing to hard.

"You're always hurting me." Kami yawned throwing a pillow at Sero. Sero held onto his side and with his left arm used his tape to pull Kaminari over. Bakugou groaned and used his free hand to face palm.

"I can never get fucking sleep with you pricks." he growled looking up at the ceiling. "For just waking up you all have to much energy."

"Not me." Kirishima yawned still blushing, Bakugou looked down at Kiri and studied his face after a while he finally asked;

"Why are you blushing?" Bakugou could hear Sero stifling a laugh. Kirishima sat up and looked away covering his face, now Bakugou was even more curious.

"Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?" he yawned.

"I have no idea." Kaminari said honestly raising his arms in the air.

"R-remember last night? the..." Sero whispered 'pictures' to Kaminari while laughing.

"OH HE SEEN?" Kaminari laughed.

"Yeah, his reaction was the best!" They both laughed.

"I hate you guys right now." Kirishima said.

"Naw you love us." Kaminari giggled.

"DID YOU JUST GIGGLE?" Sero asked/ shouted.

"FUCK NO!" Kaminari's arm shook a bit a bit of his quirk appearing.

"He sooo did bro." Kirishima laughed.

"No need to be in shock." Bakugou said, with a unintentional pun. "I've heard all of you giggle, you do it a lot."

"How?" Sero asked.

"You're all giggly bitches that's how." Bakugou grunts. "Answer my question shitty-hair."

Kirishima looked everywhere around himself, well everywhere besides Bakugou. He didn't know what to say his mouth opened but closed again.

'Why am I so nervous?' Kiri asked himself.

Don't ask yourself idiot.

'That doesn't help, this should be simple it's not like I'm confessing something or I'm gonna say I have a crush...' Kirishima thought.

"Uhhh... Background... Photo." is all he said, Bakugou looked down at Kirishima's phone, then back up to him raising an eyebrow. Bakugou picked up the phone and swiped right, Bakugou eyes widened adding to the fact it was dark in the room nobody seen his blush. Bakugou visibly bit  his lip not knowing how to react.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted at Kaminari and Sero, he put Kirishima's phone back on the bed and glared at the pikachu and tapeboy. As if it actually hurt Kaminari winced slightly.

"IF I WASN'T SO TIRED I WOULD KILL THE BOTH OF YOU!" unintentionally letting explosions form.

"Calm down!" Kaminari yelled back to Bakugou.

"Fuck you!" Bakugou shouted not as loudly. Kirishima pinned Bakugou back down on the bed, his arm was shaking. Bakugou stared at him for a minute then he pinned Kirishima down.

"Don't test my strength Shitty-hair." Bakugou angerly whispered into Kirishima's ear then getting off him and starring at the two idiots in the middle of the room.

Fucking guess the top of there's smut, if you are paying attention to the book you'll know.

The Sound Of You. (Bakugou X Kirishima) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now