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~Over to Kirishima~

Kirishima walked into the dorm, he flopped onto his bed and sighed, just when he got some peace he got a message.


Hiking, tomorrow half 8am.

Most Manly Man:

Sure! You can choose what way we go.


Yeah, don't be late.

Most Manly Man:

where are we meeting?


I'll go to your dorm, don't keep me waiting.

Kirishima smiled at his phone as he sat it down onto his bedside table, then set his alarm for 7am so he had time to get dressed and do his hair. It was only 9pm, much earlier than he'd normally go to sleep but he wants to get some rest, for the last few days he's only been getting 3-4 hours of sleep.


Bakugou smiled to himself, he'd been contemplating weather or not to ask Kirishima but in the end he did, he looked through his room that's normally tidy and looked for his hiking boots. After a while of looking he found them under his bed, the last place he checks. His boots where black with some dirt on the bottom of them. Bakugou set his alarm for 8am, he doesn't need long to get ready.

~Time Skip to morning because my story is boring enough~

Bakugou woke up a few minutes before his alarm, he went to fall asleep again but the alarm went off, he slammed his hand onto his alarm. He forgot why he set his alarm but sat up anyway, when Bakugou went to stand up his foot hit of his hiking boot, his eyes widened realizing he and Kirishima where going hiking. He pushed himself off the bed and started to get changed.

Bakugou wore a red top with a black and grey plaid shirt with black jeans. He put on his hiking boots and tied the laces, he was finally done.

Bakugou checked the time, it was a few minutes to half, he decided to go see if Kirishima was ready. He grabbed his keys to the dorm and unlocked the door then locked it after he left, Baku walked to the dorm beside his and knocked on the door.

"It's opened!" Kirishima called, Bakugou opened the door and stood infront of the door.

"Ready or what?" Bakugou asked.

"Nearly! I just have to find my shoes." Kirishima said as he looked under his bed.

"Meet me in the common room when your ready." Bakugou said walking out of the dorm and down the hallway.

"Hurry up Kirishima."

Kirishima stood up and looked at the door, this was the first time Bakugou said his 'name', he smiled and he looked behind his boxing bag.

"Ah-ha! There you are." Kirishima said grabbed his boots, he would've wore his crocs but he was going hiking, and Bakugou would kill him. He feels likes he's on good terms with Bakugou and he doesn't want to change it. Kirishima jogged down the hall and into the common room, he smiled at Bakugou who just kept a straight face and nodded.

"Let's go stop at the shop for drinks?" Kirishima suggested.

"Sure." Bakugou agreed.

They walked to the shop in silence, it was oddly nice silence, they walked into the shop talking about what way to go hiking.

"Up to the top." Bakugou said calmly.

"Sure!" Kirishima grinned.

Bakugou grabbed himself a 1l bottle of water, Kirishima did the same. They also bought some stuff to make sandwiches, Bakugou payed for it even thou Kirishima was close to buying it.

Sorry it's short I have to go to school at the time I typed this.


The Sound Of You. (Bakugou X Kirishima) BakushimaWhere stories live. Discover now